Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Rainier Lions Club

Join the Rainier Lions Club in the Park
Wednesday from 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM


Goodies for children
Cocoa, cider, candy, apples & cookies
Coffee for adults

For additional information call: 
George Johnson:  (360) 292-5363
Evan Burnett:  (360) 280-0205

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Hearing Her Own Voice for the First Time

Perhaps Sarah and her family didn't know about Lions Clubs.
 What an Amazing Moment!

In a dramatic home video that has gone viral, Sarah Churman, a 29-year-old mother who was born nearly deaf, hears her own voice for the first time after receiving a new hearing implant that her mother cashed in her retirement to help pay for! 

I was born deaf and 8 weeks ago I received a hearing implant. This is the video of them turning it on and me hearing myself for the first time :) Edit: For those of you who have asked the implant I received was Esteem offered by Envoy Medical. Check out my blog: Sarah Churman. ATTN: MY BOOK WILL BE AVAILABLE IN OCTOBER. GO TO WWW.INDIGORIVERPUBLISHING.COM TO RESERVE YOUR COPY :)

Published on Mar 9, 2012 by 
Okay, so back in September I had my first Esteem Implant activated. Yesterday I had the second one activated! I'm now hearing in 'stereo sound'!!!! It's great. I still have a blog at'll try to do better about posting! ATTN: MY BOOK I'VE BEEN WRITING IS DUE OUT IN OCTOBER. GO TO WWW.INDIGORIVERPUBLISHING.COM TO RESERVE A COPY :)

Friday, October 26, 2012



Your Rainier Lions Club members are packing your apples tomorrow morning.  They will be ready to be picked up at the Rainier Chapel on Highway 507 between 1:00 PM & 4:00 PM.  Members will be at the church to help load boxes into your car.

Thank you for purchasing these delicious Fuji apples from our club.  The proceeds from this sale go to support Camp Leo, which is a camp for children from our local area with diabetes. 

Upcoming Activities:

Halloween in the Park - October 31, 2012 - 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM  
                                        Serving hot cocoa, hot cider, apples, candy and more.

Christmas Caroling at the Rainier Tree Lighting:  December 1, 2012 at 6:00 PM.  Contact Rainier City Hall for more details.

Upcoming fundraisers: 

Fresh Cut Christmas Trees (@ Rainier Hardware for $25.00 each)
Texas Ruby Red Grapefruit  20 # Box for $20.00 per  box (January 2013)
White Cane Days  (Spring 2013 @ our local stores)
Pancake Breakfast & Silent Auction  (Spring 2013)
Peaches, Pears & Nectarines Sale (Summer 2013)

Your Rainier Lions Club provides eyeglasses, hearing aids, eye surgery, scholarships, dictionaries to third graders, Senior Center, Food Bank and many other community needs. 

For more information contact:                                   Rainier Lions Club
George Johnson (360) 292-5363                               PO Box 1033
or Evan Burnett (360) 280-0205                                Rainier, WA 98576

Thank you, again, for your support.

Rainier Lions Club

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Ronald Reagan Quote...

"A troubled and afflicted mankind looks to us, pleading for us to keep our rendezvous with destiny; that we will uphold the principles of self-reliance, self-discipline, morality, and, above all, responsible liberty for every individual that we will become that shining city on a hill." - Ronald Reagan

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Lions Measles Initiative Update

Attention, Lions: WE DID IT!

Donations to One Shot, One Life: Lions Measles Initiative have surpassed our goal of $10 million. 

Thanks to the support of Lions across the globe, we've now raised $10,017,418 and met the challenge grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which promised to match every $2 Lions raised with $1. This means that Lions are responsible for contributing $15 million toward the effort to eliminate measles — and for saving the lives of millions of children.

Friday, October 19, 2012

LCI Extension and Membership Division News

The Extension and Membership Division conducts monthly Netcasts on important membership topics every fourth Wednesday of the month. Netcasts are Web-based forums designed to be interactive. Lions are able to ask questions of the panelists and share success stories of their own. The goal is to provide an opportunity for Lions to learn and motivate each other. We encourage you to pass along this information to your club members and promote their participation.
Netcasts will be recorded and posted on the LCI Web site. Below is the schedule of upcoming Netcasts.Space is limited so register today!

October 24, 2012
7 p.m. - 8 p.m. (CDT)
Global Membership Team
PIP Judge Brian Stevenson (Canada)
PID Drs. Soeters (Netherlands)
PID Dana Biggs (US)
PDG John Muller (Australia)
CC Robert Lovelace (US)
VDG Mahesh Chitnis (US)
November 28, 2012
7 p.m. - 8 p.m. (CST)
Club Excellence Process Success Stories
PID Ed Lecius(US)
VDG Mónica Segura (Argentina)
PDG OJ Wilura (Canada)

If you have any questions regarding upcoming Netcasts, please contact the Membership and New Club Development Department.

Lions have successfully met the Gates Challenge!

Dear Lion,

We did it!

It is my great pleasure and privilege to report to you that Lions have successfully met the Gates Challenge!

In the past year, all across the globe, Lions came together in support of One Shot, One Life: The Lions Measles Initiative by contributing an astounding US$10 million to help end the death and disease caused by measles. What a spectacular achievement!

As you know, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation promised to match every US$2 raised by Lions with US$1, if we reached our US$10 million goal. So, meeting the Gates Challenge means that Lions will be able to contribute a total of US$15 million this year to help protect the world's children from the brain damage, hearing loss, blindness and death caused by measles. Lions' dedication to combating this deadly disease is a clear demonstration of our deep commitment to protecting the health and well-being of our most vulnerable children. We have shown the world that we are not only Knights of the Blind but protectors of children, as well.
Although meeting the Gates Challenge was made possible through the efforts of all Lions, members in three countries contributed nearly US$6 million of the US$10 million raised and deserve our special thanks. The Lions of Multiple District 300 - Taiwan contributed US$2.9 million, the Lions of Japan mobilized US$2 million, and the Lions of Korea provided nearly US$1 million! I am truly grateful to our fellow Lions in OSEAL for their extraordinary generosity.
Many of you have recently asked me whether or not Lions Clubs International Foundation would continue its efforts to combat measles once our US$10 million goal had been met. LCIF is currently working with the Gates Foundation to chart our future course and it is my sincere hope that Lions all over the world will continue to build upon this extraordinary achievement.

As Chairperson of our Foundation, and the father of three healthy children, I thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for rolling up your sleeves and getting to work on combating measles. Lions are giving the world's children a very precious gift: the chance to live a healthy life. It is my great hope that the day will soon come when no child's life is cut short by measles. I am so proud to be able to say that when that beautiful day does come, it will have been made possible, in part, through the efforts of Lions.


Wing-Kun Tam
Chairperson, Lions Clubs International Foundation

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Zone C6 Zone Meeting DuPont Agenda

                       Zone C-6 Dinner Meeting

                      DuPont Community Center
                 303 Barksdale, DuPont WA 98327
       Hosted by DuPont Lions

            October 19, 2012

5:45 – Social/soft drinks/silent auction/closes @ 8:15 pm.

6:15 – Dinner/Lasagna

6:45 – Meeting called to Order – President Penny Coffey
                        Pledge of Alliance – Lion Pat Baron               
                        America & O Canada – Lion Pat Baron

7:00 - Introduction of Guests, PDGs and PZCs & ZC’s – ZC Dee McDermott

7:05 –“What, Is there something Funny” – 2nd VDG John Kirry & PZC Al Hedstrom

7:10 - Comments by 1st VDG Marilynn Danby
            Comments by 2nd VDG John Kirry
            Comments by Zone Chairs – (3 min or less)

7:20 - Program – Retention Chair Bill Zidel – Retention, Lionism & Extension

7:35 - Club Reports (3 minutes each)
            DuPont Lions, President Penny Coffey
            Yelm Lions, President Curt Nelson
            Lacey Sunrise Lions, President Donna Murr
            Tenino Lions, President Diane Dolstad
            Lacey Midday Lions, President Fran Harder
            Lacey Lamplighters, President Dorothy Payne
            Roy Community Lions, President Kim Nelson
            Rainier Lions, President George Johnson

Cabinet Reports (3 minutes each)
Environment – Judy Ann Bergvall
Leadership – Sharon Sikes
Lions Project New Hope WA – PZC Mike O’Byrne
Don Beck – Contest & Awards
Membership – IPKL Jack Ford
Training Chair – PZC Al Hedstrom
NW Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center – PZC Bill Miller

Guest Reports – Don Becker, Contest & Awards (3 min. or less)
Comments by District Governor – Dave Risley

            Closing Comments by ZC Dee McDermott

Silent Auction Winners – Please pay and pick up your “winnings”

8:30 - Adjourn by President Penny Coffey, DuPont Lions

Last Chance to enter the MD19 Pin Contest!

Halloween is the DEADLINE.......

Our annual MD19 Pin Trading Contest starts right NOW! The deadline for
entries is October 31st, 2012...Here are the details!

The International Convention will be held in Hamburg Germany, July, 2013.
Any Lion, Lioness or Leo may submit a pin design that will represent our
MD19 at the convention and leading up to the convention.

Three (3) copies of your design must be submitted. Color or designate the
colors for the design on each copy. Send all three (3) copies to Multiple
District 19 Office, P.O. Box 66, Bellingham, Washington 98227.

A person may enter as many designs as he or she wishes. Designs become
the property of MD 19.

Judges for the contest are as follows: Council Chairperson, Immediate
Past Council Chairperson, Vice Council Chairperson, MD19 Contests and
Awards Chairperson and the Executive Secretary Treasurer.

What could be more fun than seeing your pin worn all over the world!?
Not just this year, but for years to come!! Any questions, please email, MD19 Contests & Awards Chairperson

Multiple District 19 Lions, P.O. Box 66, Bellingham,, WA 98227, USA

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Robert Frost Quote...

"The best way out is always through." - Robert Frost 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

EyeCare America Offers Free Eye Exam Eligibility

By the age of 65, one in three Americans has some form of vision-limiting eye disease. To help address this growing need, EyeCare America provides eye care to U.S. citizens and legal residents through volunteer ophthalmologists (Eye M.D.s) at no out-of-pocket cost to those who qualify. After answering a few questions online, you can find out instantly if someone is eligible to be matched with one of EyeCare America's nearly 7,000 volunteer ophthalmologists. Visit to watch a brief video and see how you can help people in need access eye care.

Meeting Needs through the Lions Lens®

Lions in the United States have a long history of helping restore vision to community members in need. To aid Lions in these efforts, LCIF and Essilor International have developed a high-quality, low-cost Lions Lens® for Lions' refractive error programs for underserved populations. This lens is available to large-scale Lions or Lions-affiliated nonprofit eye care institutions/clinics in the United States and is to be used only for qualified patients. Additional Lions Lens® information and a program application are available on the LCIF website.

Pediatric Cataract Initiative Continues to Save Children's Sight

Ten-year-old Ruma Roy had been living with pediatric cataract for several years. In school, Ruma struggled due to her poor eye sight. With her eye condition worsening, Ruma's parents took her to the Siliguri Greater Lions Eye Hospital in West Bengal, India, where her sight was improved through new equipment provided by a capacity building grant from the Pediatric Cataract Initiative (PCI). The PCI is a collaboration between Bausch + Lomb and LCIF which supports innovative methods for overcoming visual impairments caused by pediatric cataracts and other pediatric eye disease.

Through the PCI, the Siliguri Greater Lions Eye Hospital received a grant of US$150,000 to help children like Ruma. The hospital is creating an early detection and treatment program for pediatric cataract and children's eye health, training ophthalmologists and providing pediatric eye health education to local communities. In addition, 130,000 children will have their vision screened and 200 children will receive sight-restoring cataract surgery, long-term follow-up care and a brighter future.

Celebrating 10 Years of Sight for Kids

LCIF and Johnson & Johnson Vision Care are celebrating 10 years of partnership this year and reaching a vision screening milestone of more than 16 million children through the Sight for Kids program. Sight for Kids addresses childhood visual impairment and blindness in Asia, an area of great need. Led by Lions and local partners, Sight for Kids recruits eye care professionals who train local teachers and Lions clubs members to conduct school-based vision screenings and eye health education in underserved communities. When needed, students are referred to a local eye care professional and receive an eye exam, eyeglasses and further care at no cost. During this anniversary year, the Sight for Kids partners are celebrating accomplishments and also focusing on the program's potential and a new decade of efforts.

Message from Chairperson of LCI

Dear Lion,
Earlier this month I was in Bangkok, Thailand, to celebrate 10 years of Sight for Kids, one of our most successful partnerships. While celebrating our accomplishments, such as the vision screening of more than 16 million children, I was also struck by the fact that many people are still needlessly blind or visually impaired. Did you know that 80 percent of visual impairment in the world can be avoided or cured? That is why our Foundation provides support for preventing avoidable blindness and restoring sight to those in need.

LCIF has been collaborating with the Global Network for Neglected Tropical Diseases through the Sabin Vaccine Institute to help end suffering caused by neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), including ones that affect sight. More than 1.4 billion people in the world are affected by these diseases. The Global Network envisions a world where children and families can grow in a community free of NTDs, with a goal to eliminate or control 10 common NTDs by 2020.

Through LCIF's SightFirst program, Lions have already been working towards this goal by focusing on two of the most common NTDs that affect sight: trachoma and onchocerciasis (river blindness). Through initiatives that prevent and treat infectious diseases, like our SightFirst programs, visual impairment around the world has been decreasing, according to the World Health Organization.

Another area of health where Lions' efforts are helping to make a difference is with measles. Thanks to routine immunization and vaccination campaigns, fewer children die each day. Though the number has declined, 380 children still die each day from this easily preventable disease. We have the power to help them.

With less than US$1 million left to meet the US$10 million challenge grant issued by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, we will help vaccinate 157 million children this year alongside our partners through the One Shot, One Life: Lions Measles Initiative. Thank you for your continued donations and support of this initiative. We are truly making an impact on the world.


Wing-Kun Tam
Chairperson, Lions Clubs International Foundation

Rainier Lions Club 2012 -2013 RHS Scholarship Application

Rainier Lions Club
Rainier High School
Scholarship Application

Complete this Application form and the Rainier Lion’s Volunteer Project Form, and submit them to Bonnie Zimmerman, Rainier High School Registrar, by November 2, 2012.  Include with this Application the Background Information listed below.  All submitted material must be typewritten.  You will receive a letter by November 15th, if you have completed all the requirements.  If you have questions, please contact Lion Gene Cinkovich, Teacher, Rainier High School (  A maximum of 10 applications will be accepted.  Selected students will then be considered for a scholarship, which will be awarded May 2013.  The amount of scholarship will be $1,000.  The Scholarship will be awarded through the Rainier Education Foundation, which may qualify for matching funds at institutions of higher education.  This Scholarship is awarded one time only.

Name                                                                                                                                                      Age                                     
Mailing Address                                                                                City                                       State                     Zip Code             
Phone (home or cell)                                                                                      Email                                                                   
School                                                                                                   Accumulative GPA                                                          
Parents or Legal Guardian Names                                                                                                                                            
Father’s occupation                                                   Mother’s occupation                                                                          

(please include a recent photograph of yourself)


11.  Education Goal/Future Plans: (college or trade school, job opportunities, etc.).  Please explain what this scholarship would mean to you.  Explain long-term and short-term goals, reasons for choosing a particular field of study, and plans for the future.  Attach your statement to this application (500 words or less).
22.  School Achievements/Leadership Activities:  List and explain role (officer, honors, awards, sports, music, favorite subjects, trips, etc.) Attach this list and explanation to this application.
33.  Community Service/Involvement:  List and explain your role in community activities.   To qualify for this scholarship, you are required to volunteer for 1 fundraising and 3 community service projects sponsored by the Rainier Lions Club, per the instructions in the Rainier Lion’s Volunteer Projects Form that must be returned with your completed Application. Students in lower classes may volunteer, keep a record, and use their completed projects when applying for this Scholarship their Senior year.  Attach this list and explanation to this application.
44. Personal Recommendation:  Ask a teacher, pastor, scout leader, or community service advisor who is familiar with you to write a letter of recommendation for you.  Attach this letter to this application.

      SENIORS:  If you are eligible for this scholarship, you will be invited to a meeting/dinner, introduced, and asked to give a short presentation about yourself.  You are encouraged to bring your parents, guardian, or other family member(s) with you.  Dinner will be provided for you and two guests.  The presentation will be the 1st Monday December 2012-April 2013 at 7:00 p.m. Rainier Chapel, Rainier, Washington.  (Attach the necessary documents listed above to this form).

Rainier Lions Club Volunteer Projects form 2012 - 2013

Rainier High School Students:  The Rainier Lion’s Club is offering an opportunity for Seniors to compete for a scholarship, awarded in May 2013, which will be $1,000.00.  This will introduce you to the Rainier Lion’s Club and how they make a difference in the Rainier Community through volunteerism.   

One completed fundraising project (the student must complete all phases of the project, as listed below) AND one community service project, which are designated below, are required to be eligible for the Scholarship (the student must demonstrate an ongoing interest in community service).  Below please mark the projects you are willing to volunteer for and return to Bonnie Zimmerman, Registrar, Rainier High School by November 2, 2012 with the Scholarship Application (Seniors only)(If for some reason you are unable to assist with these projects or do not do the work, you will not receive the credit—the Lions reserve the right to determine this.)   The Rainier Lions will contact you about the date and requirements for the projects.   Seniors competing for the Scholarship, must complete the required projects by April 30, 2012.
Note:  Freshmen through Juniors may volunteer by completing this form and submitting to Bonnie Zimmerman, Registrar, and apply these projects to the Lion’s scholarship service requirement when you apply your Senior year, please DO NOT submit the Scholarship Application or any other application requirements until your Senior year. 
Student Name                                                                                                                 
Grade                   Phone # and email                                                                         
Check   Here   
Type of Project
Rainier Blue Grass Festival – work at Lion’s concession stand Friday and/or Saturday (other projects are available starting Thursday before festival)** 

During school year
Health Screening Unit (check Rainier Primary School student’s hearing and eyes)*

Community Service
Apple Sales (deadline sales October 15--get orders, turn in, be responsible for payment, sort and box apples at the Thurston County Fairgrounds October 20 and/or 27, and responsible pick up by customer or student late October)

Application in October 26
South Sound Lion’s Essay Contest (Teachers Ed Kenney and Jenny Halverson have rules and application, 16-22 year olds eligible to enter) must participate, do not have to be a winner of the contest

Comm. Serv.
Early Fall
Dictionary Projects (pass out dictionaries to 3rd graders) (Rainier Primary and/or Eagleview Christian School)*

Comm. Serv.
October 31
Halloween for Kids

Comm. Serv.
Pancake Breakfast @ Rainier Chapel for Community**

Christmas Tree Sales (cut and deliver trees to store location in Rainier, each time new supply of trees is needed)

Christmas Caroling to Rainier Community

Comm. Serv.
Grapefruit Sales (get orders, turn in, track payment, and be responsible for the February pick up of the fruit by customers or student)

Peaches, Pears, Nectarines Sales (get orders, turn in, track payment, and responsible for pick up of fruit by customers or student, delivery late August)

White Cane Days-(give out white canes/collect donations at business Rainier

As scheduled
Road Clean Up (litter pickup on main street of Rainier)*

Comm. Serv.
Eye Glass project at school, collect used glasses and give to Lions*

Comm. Serv.
Senior Citizen in the community, let Lions know and a need will be met*

Comm. Serv.
*Month subject to change       **State of WA Food and Beverage Service Worker’s Permit required
J You will be contacted, by phone, to confirm that you will be volunteering the week before your project begins and meet with Rainier Lions to receive direction, in person or by phone, before projects begin.   If you need another volunteer opportunity, contact Let Lion Gene Cinkovich, Teacher, Rainier High School, to find out if the Rainier Lions have a current project for you. 
SENIORS:  See Rainier Lion’s Scholarship Application for directions.