Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thank you From: Lions Eye Institute for Transplant & Research

Congratulations to a few of our previous sponsors for being named finalists in the Tampa Bay Business Journal 2012 Corporate Philanthropy Awards. Thank you for everything you do GulfShore Bank, Florida Medical ClinicFoundation of CaringFlorida Blue and Wells Fargo Government & Community Relations – Florida Group!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Christmas Trees at Rainier Hardware

Dear Readers,

George and Evan cut 5 Christmas Trees and delivered them to the Rainier Hardware Store.  If you want a beautiful, fresh cut Christmas Tree for $25.00 - Head on down to the store and pick it up.

  • You can't beat the price or quality.  
  • Our trees have not been bundled up for shipping.  They are beautiful and have not been stressed by netting or having their branches tied up.
  • The average tree runs about 6' - 8' tall.  If you want a tree - up to 12' tall - please call George or Evan and they will cut one just for your order.  The price is still $25.00

Thank you for supporting our local businesses &community.

We're here to Serve YOU! 

George Johnson  (360) 292-5363
Evan Burnett        (360) 280-0205

Sunday, November 25, 2012

"Are we hard-wired to care about others?"

The Psychology of Everything: What Compassion, Racism, and Sex tell us about Human Nature 

Paul Bloom, Brooks and Suzanne Ragen Professor of Psychology, Yale University

Paul talks about how to draw people to fundraising activities and altruistic actions.  I was fascinated by the information in this video, so I wanted to share it with you, too.  

Lions groups need to connect with others in our society.  We need to be inclusive, not exclusive.  Please watch this video and share your thoughts.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Rainier Lions Club Christmas Dinner

The Rainier Lions Club
Invites Members & Helpers:

Annual Christmas Dinner
December 7, 2012
6:30 PM
at the Rainier Chapel

This dinner is to thank everyone for supporting the
Rainier Lions Club activities throughout the year,
We appreciate all you do for our local community. 
Bring your appetite, but no gifts, please.

We will sing Christmas carols, eat, and be merry!

George Johnson (360) 292-5363
Evan Burnett:  (360) 280-0205

LCIF November Newsletter

Dear Lion,

Earlier this month, the Caribbean and the East Coast of the United States were hit by Superstorm Sandy. I was saddened and deeply concerned when I heard of the storm's impact, but I also knew that Lions would be there to help. Not only are Lions on the ground, supporting each other and people in the affected communities, but Lions around the world are generously providing donations to the disaster relief fund at Lions Clubs International Foundation.

It is because of the disaster relief fund that LCIF could quickly respond to Superstorm Sandy, mobilizing US$220,000 in grants for those in need. Lions were immediately able to put provided funds to use, delivering food, water, blankets and flashlights to those affected by the storm. Your donations to the disaster relief fund are MJF eligible and will support Superstorm Sandy victims in the coming weeks, unless a disaster of similar scope and scale requires Lions' immediate response. 

In addition to disaster relief, Lions are able to make an impact in many other areas of service. Just look at our efforts to eliminate measles. We not only met the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's challenge to raise US$10 million for measles, we have exceeded it! This means even more children will be vaccinated, saving them from the harmful effects of measles. Congratulations, and thank you for your efforts. LCIF is working with the Measles Initiative and Gates Foundation to plan for the future.

I am inspired by all that Lions have accomplished through our Foundation. Together we save sight, provide disaster relief, support youth and meet humanitarian needs worldwide. Together we make a difference in millions of lives.


Wing-Kun Tam
Chairperson, Lions Clubs International Foundation
Reaching 12,000 Students through Lions Quest
Lions Quest held its largest ever training session in October 2012, training 280 teachers from 21 schools in Wood County, West Virginia, USA. Another 700 personnel attended an orientation on the program, focusing on social and emotional learning, as well as bullying and drug prevention, service-learning, and creating a positive school climate. More than 12,000 students will benefit from the partnership. LCIF received a grant of US$100,000 from NoVo Foundation for the three year implementation. This also supports LCIF's Clinton Global Initiative commitment to expand Lions Quest across one large U.S. school district.
LCIF Awards Grants
At the recent International Board of Directors meeting held in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, 82 grants were awarded totaling US$4,936,664. This includes US$1 million to continue the LCIF-Special Olympics Opening Eyes partnership. Through these grants, an estimated 1.24 million people will benefit, enabling Lions to have a great impact in their communities and around the world.
Post-Convention Norwegian Cruise
Are you wondering what to do after the 96th Lions Clubs International Convention in Hamburg, Germany? Naonis Travel is providing a post-convention roundtrip cruise from Hamburg to the Norwegian Fjords and North Cape, Norway. For each trip booked, a donation of US$50 will be made to LCIF. Book this cruise before December 31, 2012 for savings. For more information, contact Naonis Travel at or +39 0427 701620. 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Monitor Your Diabetes Using These Digital Tools

Original Article

Kate Freemanby 

diabetes photo

Are you one of the millions of Americans with diabetes?
November is National Diabetes Month, a condition that is the seventh leading cause of death in the United States. Of the 25.8 million Americans who suffer from the disease, 7 million do not know they have it, according to the National Institutes of Health.
Diabetes is a chronic condition that results from defects in insulin production, insulin action or both. There are two main types of diabetes — Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 usually occurs before the age of 20 and is a result of the pancreas no longer making insulin. This type of diabetes requires taking insulin and possibly other medication. Type 2 diabetes, often called adult onset diabetes, is the most common form of diabetes and can be controlled with proper diet, medication and exercise.

Continue Reading....

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Benefits of the Club Excellence Process

Hi, all –

Submitted for your consideration.

Would you like to …
 - Expand your club’s community service work?
 - Make your club a better organization?
 - Make your club more visible to your community and more attractive to prospective Lions?
 - Develop a short- and long-term plan to pursue these goals?

The Club Excellence Process is designed with these goals in mind.  This process is not something that can be completed in one or two meetings; it requires time and commitment to see it through.  And the results can be truly outstanding.

If you’d like more information on this topic, members of the Faculty Development Team are available to make a presentation to your club.  Don’t hesitate to contact me for more details.

Al Hedstrom

Past Zone Chairman
Candidate for 2nd Vice District Governor
Silverdale Sunrise Lions

Service to others is the rent we pay for our time on this earth.
Tony Curtis

LERC Last Wednesday Evening

Evan B, Bernice B, George J and I went to LERC last Wednesday night.  We cleaned and sorted glasses.

It was an amazing experience.  I've never seen so many different types and styles of glasses!  There are glasses that you can fold and bend without mutilating them!  There are colorful, designer glasses - as well as very classy looking Ralph Lauren & Tommy Hilfiger glasses.  Glasses that have gold plating - as well as titanium glasses.  The wrap around sun glasses were awesome.  Many of the glasses were perfect, without any scratches or damage at all.

Bill Miller was there to instruct us on how to clean and sort the glasses after they were washed in the dishwasher.  Listening to him was fun and interesting.  Here are a couple of things we learned:  

  • The glasses that were outside of the standards that are set up by the missions that request them.  
  • Glasses with gold plating are sent out to have the gold recovered.  We get paid for the gold.
  • Some "coke bottle" glasses are not sent out to missions.
  • Glasses without lenses are not used.  They are sent out.
  • There is optometrist equipment to read the prescriptions of the lenses.  Once read, the glasses are put in plastic bags and labeled.  From there the glasses are organized in boxes.
  • Readers (non prescription - magnification glasses) are given to people, too.
  • Glasses that are badly scratched or scratched in the field of vision are set aside.
  • We can't give out women's "low riders" as there have been fights between women over these kinds of glasses.  Incredible?  The winner would end up with the low rider glasses whether it helped her to read better, or not.  Vanity is alive and well - even in third world countries.  

We all had a very good time working at LERC.  (Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center)  Any Lion who works 20 hours during the Lion year - gets a LERC pin.  This is the only way to earn this pin.  I highly recommend volunteering for LERC.  Time flies there!  It seemed like we had just arrived, when we left.  We laughed and visited all evening long!  Come join us!

LCI Peace Poster Deadline TODAY

Today, Thursday November 15, is the cutoff for submitting peace posters for the competition.

To my knowledge only two clubs are submitting peace posters.  If I can get confirmation from others by email by midnight I'll include them in the judging.

Please spread the word as you are able.
Dave Risley

Families in Service
"To empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace, and promote international understanding through Lions clubs." - Lions Clubs International Mission Statement

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Rainier Lions Club Minutes for 11/11/12

Even though I sent out an e-mail with the agenda I thought that I would recap tonight’s meeting for those that could not attend. .

The dinner was great.  We had homemade meatloaf, mashed potatoes green beans & pumpkin pie.

  • MLK quote-“the first question the priest and the Levite asked was ‘ if I stop and help this man  , what will happen to me ?’ BUT the good  Samaritan reversed the question ‘ if I do not stop to help this man , what will happen to him ‘

  • Albert Schweitzer quote “ I do not know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know : the only ones among us who will really be happy are those who have sought and found how to serve “

  • SERVICE—supplying aid and service rather than products or goods----an act of helpful activity----an act of help or assistance

Guest speakers- Mike & Margaret Madrid.  Al Headstrom.


  • Mike Madrid had cataract surgery which was paid for by the Northwest Lions Foundation and the Rainier Lions Club, who split the cost 50/50.  Mike talked about his surgery and how grateful he is for the Rainier Lions Club’s help. 

  • Mikes surgery went very well.  He said he sees colors more vibrantly and the cloudiness has vanished.  He said he now has 20/20 vision in that eye.  Mike and Margaret both said they are very grateful for our help. 

  • He especially thanked PKL Evan Burnett, who did all of the Northwest Lions Foundation paperwork at our end for Mikes surgery.  


  • Al was politicking.  He’s running for a District wide leadership office.  Bill PKL of Mineral Lake Lions is running against Al.  Both men are fine candidates for this position.

McKenna restaurant:  The owner of this restaurant will allow us to have special fundraising events on Monday – Thursday (we have to make arrangements for specific days) and she will give our group 15% of the proceeds (or profit?) from her sales for this day.  We are thinking of scheduling a “White Cane Days” there on the Thursday before that special event nation wide.

Recap of dictionaries- recap already sent in an e-mail- We shared the thank you cards from kids at Eagle View Christian School.  There are a couple of pictures of these cards on our blog.

Recap of Halloween- very successful –feel that next year businesses in town will participate.  We have a couple of articles on our blog about this event.  One has a lot of pictures.

Need volunteers for getting Christmas trees Nov. 23

Christmas caroling at the tree lighting and on the 14 and 15 is a go and should be lots of fun

Christmas dinner on Dec. 7:  I need volunteers to help with the prep that day from noon on.
  • ---Ideas welcome on how to make it a fun evening- lets make a deal , white elephant ‘ door prizes , etc.
  • --Who else should we invite
 Christmas tree cutting for the hardware store – involvement of churches sending congregation to purchase

Grapefruit sales start in December – line up those customers

Dinners going forward are donation only and this will include any pot lucks

LERC starts on Wednesday this week – Evan, Bernice, Shirley G, Linda J. and George will go.  Thank you all for volunteering!

Club communication – How do we make it better? Call tree? If we are to grow and get our community involved we need more ideas and more participation-how do we make this work

Think about going to two meetings a month next year.  Possibly making on a board meeting with full club attendance 

Thank You Cards From: Eagle View Christian School

The third grade students from Eagle View Christian School had their "THANK YOU" cards for the Rainier Lions Club all ready when we arrived to deliver their dictionaries.

All of the children signed both cards.  To respect their privacy, the children's signatures were not scanned for public display on our blog. 

After KL George Johnson gave his presentation and the children thumbed through their dictionaries, we were presented with 2 thank you's from the third grade class.  Both thank you cards were hand made.  

In closing, one of the students said a prayer for the Rainier Lions Club (& us).  This was touching and means a lot to George and me.  

A special THANK YOU goes out to all of the children, staff and parents of the Eagle View Christian School for granting us permission to present dictionaries to the third grade students.
George and I treasure the memories  we share with you.  Going to your school is a wonderful  experience.  

On card was very large.  I scanned an image of the inside thank you, so you can read it here:

Above is a picture of the inside of the large Thank You card.  

This is the outside of the smaller card (shown with the back of part of the larger card.)

 This is the inside picture in the smaller thank you card.  (resting on the back of the larger card.)

Monday, November 12, 2012

38th Annual Food A-Thon

The Port Angeles Lions Club Hosts:  

38th Annual Food A-Thon 

Benefitting the Port Angeles Food Bank 

on Thursday November 15.


The Lions will take over the airways on KONP 1450 AM and 102.1 FM from 6AM to 6PM. Lions will man the microphones and announce pledges received from the listeners. Lions will be standing by the phones to accept pledges and challenges for the 12 hours.

Telephone number is 360-457-1450. Listen as the Lions relay information to the listeners (not always as professional as we would like, but, we have fun)
Call to extend wishes and pledges, if you like. 

Thank you,

PDG Gary

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Dictionaries Delivered to Third Graders in Rainier

Hi Gang ,

Linda and I went to Rainier Elementary & Eagle View Christian School and passed out our dictionaries to 79 third graders. I know that some of you were unable to attend because of life issues.

I have to tell you that you missed one of life’s absolute fine moments. The reaction in the students eyes was worth more than any amount of money. It was a moment akin to Haley’s comment, an event that only happens once or twice in a lifetime.

The dictionaries are one of the fun things we do with the money we work so hard earn with our fundraisers. Events like giving out the dictionaries are the precious rewards of being a member of the Rainier Lions Club.  Most of us have too few of these kinds of rewards in life.

Helping with the sight and hearing van is another rewarding experience, but that may not happen this year because of a scheduling problem.

We need to be about making a difference in our community. I do believe that there are people in town ready to help us make our town a better place to live.  Please come out and help lead them.



       Thank you for inviting us to your school!
Pictures of Rainier Elementary School 
Third Grade Students 
Receiving Their Dictionaries:

Third grade teachers.
Third grade teachers.
Sixty-nine third grade students right after they receive their dictionaries.
Students engrossed in their new dictionaries.
Still looking up facts in their dictionaries, as King Lion George makes presentation.
Students looking up facts.
Still looking.............
Comparing facts.
Asking questions of the staff in sign language.
King Lion George with staff member
King Lion George with staff member
King Lion George
Students comparing facts with other students.
Happy, smiling student.
Kids talking about the things they find in their new dictionary.
Happy, smiling third grade girl.
Mrs. Cinkovitch taking picture of the third grade classes in the library.
King Lion George with teacher, staff and students.

Pictures of Eagle View Christian School 
Third Grade Students 
Receiving Their Dictionaries:

Principle Barbie B. sits behind the 10 third graders who just received their dictionaries.
Students looking at their dictionaries.
Students engrossed in their new book.
Still reading.......
Students talking about the things they find just before presentation closes.  They thank us an and say a prayer before we conclude.  Very nice indeed!

King Lion George asked the students:  There's a million, a billion and then a trillion.  What comes after a trillion?   The students answer, "a quadrillion."  We were very impressed.  We didn't know that answer until we found it in the dictionary before the presentation.  Even third graders are smarter then we are!


Thank you for inviting us to your school!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Got Coffee?

Do we have enough coffee for Monday night's meeting, or do we need to buy more?

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Lions Clubs International News

In our November issue, you'll learn about International Leo Day, the Pediatric Cataract Initiative, registration for the 2013 International Convention in Hamburg and more. Read on for the latest Lions Clubs International news and information.

Reducing Childhood Blindness through the Pediatric Cataract Initiative

Bausch & Lomb Pediatric Cataract Initiative Image

Bausch + Lomb and Lions Clubs International Foundation continue their work towards reducing childhood blindness through the Pediatric Cataract Initiative (PCI). The Siliguri Greater Lions Eye Hospital in India was recently awarded a grant of US$150,000 through the PCI for an early detection and treatment program for pediatric cataract and children's eye health. In addition to training ophthalmologists and providing pediatric eye health education, the hospital plans to conduct vision screenings for 130,000 underserved children and necessary pediatric cataract surgeries in designated communities. Learn more about this grant on the

Welcome to the New LNN

Lions News Network (LNN) has a fresh, new look. LNN is the online resource for all of our video programs. Check out the new LNN page, which includes featured videos related to sight, health, membership, hunger, environment and more. Watch the latest Lions Quarterly (LQ) or explore the LQ archives. The Search Videos feature allows you to find videos on LNN using specific keywords. You can also comment on, "Like," share and download videos. View our videos to learn more about the community service that Lions provide worldwide.

Meet Friends in Hamburg

Join Lions from around the world at the 96th International Convention in Hamburg, Germany on Friday, July 5 to Tuesday, July 9, 2013. Register by December 31 to lock in your registration at the lowest fee and secure your hotel reservation at our specially discounted Lions rates. Hamburg has many attractions to enjoy for a few hours or an entire day. Take a boat cruise on beautiful Alster Lake, walk around the Emigration Museum and don't miss the Magical History Bus Tour of famous Beatles sites! Find out about the Local Tours on LCI's Web site. Do you have a few extra days to relax? Visit the Pre/Post Convention Tours page for specially discounted Lions tours of Germany and other top European destinations.

Celebrate Leos on December 5

International Leo DayInternational Leo Day, celebrated annually on December 5, is the perfect time to call attention to those we hope will one day lead the association. Consider sponsoring a new Alpha Leo club at your local community center, or use this day as an opportunity to foster dialogue with current Leo members, thereby creating the type of environment that will encourage Leos to one day continue their service as Lions. Through Leo clubs, you will have a positive influence on today's youth and young adults - helping them become better citizens and leaders for life. Watch our Leading for Life video to learn more about Leos.

Champions Lions Clubs Draw Interest from Prospective Members

A Champions Lions club supports Special Olympics and people with intellectual disabilities through a variety of activities from fundraising to working at Opening Eyes events, the LCI and Special Olympics initiative that provides vision screening and eyeglasses to athletes. A Champions club provides more opportunities for Lions to serve a worthy population and organization within their community. For information, or to get started on chartering a Champions Lions club, contact the Membership and New Club Development Department.

Lions Clubs Respond to Superstorm Sandy

Dear Lion,

Earlier this week as Superstorm Sandy was near landfall on the East Coast, we let you know that Lions would be there for those in the storm's path. We know the devastating impact that a disaster can have in a community and as always, our thoughts and prayers are with those who were affected, including members of our own Lions family. As Lions, we have once again demonstrated our quick response in the time of need, and we want to update you on relief efforts. 

Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) awarded a US$100,000 Major Catastrophe Grant with money from the disaster relief fund, allowing Lions in affected areas to immediately begin providing assistance. Many Lions are already working with local food banks, police and fire departments and other local organizations.

In addition to the Major Catastrophe Grant, LCIF has awarded US$100,000 in emergency grants to Lions districts in North Carolina, Maryland, New Jersey, Connecticut and New York. LCIF was able to award these funds from the disaster relief fund, thanks to Lions who generously donated knowing that in times of disaster there is an urgent and great need.

Follow our efforts online through the LCI blog, Twitter and Facebook. LCIF is expecting and is ready for many more emergency grant requests as Lions assess the needs of their communities and power is restored.  We also encourage Lions to consider making a donation to the Foundation for disaster relief. Donations to the disaster relief fund are Melvin Jones Fellowship eligible.

We believe that "In A World of Service," one person can make a difference, but together we can have an even greater impact.

Wayne A. Madden                         Wing-Kun Tam   
President, LCI                               Chairperson, LCIF    

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween in Park a Huge SUCCESS!

Thank you all for coming!

It was cold and windy.  Children and their parents flocked to the Rainier Lions Club first Halloween Party in the Park!  


A special "THANK YOU" goes out to Main Street Cookies 
for donating cookies to the children of Rainier, WA.  

Thank you!!
Joyclyn & Cookie Crew! 

Linda Johnson (left) & Lion Secretary Brenda Flaherty.

One of our first Trick or Treat children.

One of our first Trick or Treat children.

Our Lion waving.

Our Lion walking toward our King Lion, George Johnson.

Our Lion, waving to 2 little girls, who came for Trick or Treat.

This little girl was afraid to take candy from our Lion, so
Mommy took the candy from the Lion's paw for her.

Our second set of Trick or Treater's  a ghost & vampire.

The Vampire spreads her wings!

Trick or Treat girls with their family members.

Trick or Treat children in the park.

More Trick or Treat children in the park.

Kids coming to the Lions Den.  (See the little Strawberry Shortcake?)

Brenda serving Main Street Cookies!!  

Sweet Miss Strawberry Shortcake.

More children coming for treats.

More children with their friends and family.


The Rainier Lions Club will be celebrating Halloween in the Park again next year.  
PKL Evan Burnett & our Lion!

Thank you again for coming for treats!!!!
We're here to serve you.