Monday, March 25, 2013

Meeting Agenda for March 25, 2013


MEAL 6:30-7 P.M.

Pledge of Allegiance
KL George:  PRAYER

Lewis Carroll—”One of the secrets of life is that all that is really worth the doing is what we do for others”

Victor Frankl-“We who lived in concentration camps remember the men who walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread.  They offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a man but one thing: to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way

Introduction:  Guest Speakers

George:  Second Reading of Next Years Officers:

1. Club officers
  • Pres.- George
  • V.P. Evan
  • Treas. Linda L.
  • Secretary-Brenda
  • Tail Twister-Rod
  • Lion Tamer-Kay
  • Membership+Retention-Bernice
  • Bulletin editor-Linda J
  • Additional board members Bud, Julia,Art R

2. Thank you to Linda J on banners                  5 minutes
3. Torrie: Scholorship App presentation        10 minutes
4. Induction of new members                           15 minutes
5. Silent auction April 27th-George                  5 minutes
6. Dee McDermott                                            10 minutes
7. Boy Scout and American Heritage Girls     5 minutes
8. Auction and Kite flying 4-27                        10 minutes 
9. Dinner for 5                                                     5 minutes
10 Jim LaBelle Closes Meeting                      10 minutes


City Council meets 2nd & 4th Tues. at 7:00 PM

Senior Center Lunch:  Mon & Wed at noon $2.50 each

Together:  1st & 2nd Wed 5 PM City Hall

Rainier Food Bank: Food available Wed & Sat 9 – 12


March 26, Boy Scouts info night at W. Park

March 27 American Heritage Girls

March 28, LERC night for Rainier Lions Club

APR 5-6: District Spring Conf.
La Quinta Inn, Tacoma

APR 27 or 28: Kites with Cub Scouts
Rainier Community Cares

White canes
MAY 2:  at Jim Bob’s Chuck Wagon
MAY 4:  at Texico station

June 6-12-25: Secretary Training  (Choice of dates)

Peaches Pears & Nectarines

Bluegrass Festival

Support Our Cub Scouts!

LIONS Project New Hope NW Yellow ribbon Run/Walk

July 21, 2013

10:00 AM – Noon
Waughop Lake, Fort Steilacoom Park
8714 87th Ave SW, Lakewood, WA 98499
First/Club Name:_______________________   Last Name:________________________
Dear Potential Sponsor, I am participating in the Yellow Ribbon Run/Walk. All proceeds will benefit our retreats to help our returning combat veterans and families adjust to life after their service.  Please sponsor me with a flat donation, so that you can pay me now.  Please make checks to LIONS Project New Hope NW. All contributions are tax-deductible, a 501C3 charity. For more information go to  Thank You!
Name of Sponsors
Address & Phone Number
Flat Donation Pledged
Amount Collected from Sponsor















The Club with the greatest per capita contribution will have 1st year bragging rights and will take home the official LIONS PROJECT NEW HOPE NW- YELLOW RIBBON RUN/WALK banner to proudly display at their Club and at LIONS events.
Participants:  Please bring a photo copy of this completed form and money on the                 day of the sponsored run/walk.  Registration begins at 9:00 AM.

   Register or Donate at

July 21, 2013
Spring 2013

Dear Potential Sponsor,

The LIONS Clubs Multiple District 19 has a project whose name is LIONS PROJECT NEW HOPE NW.
The purpose of this event is to sponsor retreats for combat veterans and their families who are dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Lions Project New Hope Northwest offers a cost-free weekend retreat for combat veterans and their entire families as they address the problems of post traumatic stress and re-integration into the community. The retreats, held in the midst of some of the most beautiful and peaceful forest land in the Pacific Northwest, provide counseling sessions with professional counselors; there also is ample time for the families to enjoy recreational activities as a function of reaffirming the bonds they felt prior to deployment.
There, at this point, are three retreats yearly at Cascade Camp in the Yelm area.  See more information in the brochure or go to www.

The YELLOW RIBBON RUN/WALK is a 2 hour run/walk whose purpose is to raise funds for
LPNHNW.  Our goal is to raise enough money to finance these retreats, which by the way, are no cost to the participants. The YRRW will take place on July 21, 2013, from 10AM till noon
at Fort Steilacoom Park around Waughop Lake, Lakewood WA.  There will be a spaghetti post event meal.

We are presently looking for sponsors to help fund this event.  Enclosed is a letter stating our budget, needs and we thank you for choosing to get involved in this worthy cause.

 Thank you for taking the time to see what we are about.

Yours truly,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

LION Bob Johnson, PC
Chairman for Lions Yellow Ribbon Run/Walk

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Monday Nights Meeting

Monday, March 25, 2013, the Rainier Lions Club is holding a special meeting.  We will be inducting 8 new members into our Lions Club.  We hope all of our members come and welcome our new members!

We will start serving dinner a little early tomorrow night.  We will start serving at 6:15 PM.

The menu is:

Mashed Potatoes
Brown Gravy
Scalloped Potatoes
Green Beans
Dessert:  White Cake with Vanilla Mousse Filling

We have several guests attending tomorrow night:

A Scholarship Applicant
Jim LaBelle (& his wife)
Dee & Jim McDermot
Donna Murr
Bill & Chris Miller

(There will be 8 people from Lacey Sunrise Lions)

Dinner will be prepared and served at the Rainier Chapel.  Please feel free to bring your children to tomorrow night's meeting.  Lions is a family organization.  

Thank you,

Linda & George Johnson

Note:  I made 2 new banners.  If you have any patches or pins that need to go on them, please bring them to tomorrow night's meeting.  I can stitch them on prior to our next meeting.  Thank you.  LJJ

Monday, March 18, 2013

RLC Board Meeting Tonight at 6:00 PM at Rainier Chapel

There will be a Rainier Lions Club Board meeting tonight at the Rainier Chapel.  Food will not be served.
The main purpose of this meeting is to discuss our upcoming Bluegrass Festival in the third weekend of August 2013.  

Dave Wuller will be coordinating this year's Bluegrass Festival.  Art and Charlotte Runyan started our local Bluegrass Festival 21 years ago.  They turned over the reigns to Dave.  Dave will be at the meeting tonight so we can discuss this years festival.  Bev J. will be at the meeting, too, to go over the menu for the Lions Burger Den and get started on coordinating the food orders and menu pricing.

All Rainier Lion Club members are invited to attend tonight's meeting.

Rainier Lions Club Membership Meeting Minutes 3-11-2013

Rainier Lions Club
Membership Meeting Minutes 03-11-2013

Attending:  George & Linda Johnson, Evan Burnett, Art Runyan, Brenda Flaherty, Kay Bryant, Shirley Gibson, Bernice Beck, Rodney Mitchell, Bud & Julia Green (Linda L & Ron Lind have excused absences)

Guests:  Brooke McCarten& her mother Alisa, 2 incoming members – Terry & Bill.

Pledge of Allegiance
Sing “America”

Presentation for RLC Scholarship by Brook:
She plans on attending Centralia Community College to earn her Associate Degree.  She plans on going to Pierce College after that and go into their Dental Hygienist program.  She wants to be a Pediatric Dental Hygienist.  Dream goal is to work for:  Small to Tall Pediatric. Dental office in Lacey.  She plans to remain locally and volunteers locally.  To graduate from school 100 hours of community service are required, now.  She plans to continue doing community service after she’s finished school.

Most recent GPA:  3.7891  Accumulative:  3.691
Big error – signed up for AP math in middle school.  It was very hard and she had to study extra hard and asked for help when she needed it.  She passed and continued to take AP classes after that.  She likes challenges.

First Announcement of New Offices for the 2013 -2014 year:
(Listed on agenda.)

The board meeting will be an extra meeting during the month.  Even though we will meet, we will have voting done at the general meetings and will allow all members to vote on how we spend the money the Lions Club has earned.

George reads an award that Evan Burnett received from Lions Clubs International.

Evan is the volunteer and contact with the Boys Scouts over the next year.  It has been voted on and passed at the RLC Board Meeting. 

The Cub Scouts have come along.  The next meeting is March 24th at 1:00 PM.  The kids will be racing their Pinewood Derby Cars.  They will be selling suckers for $1.00 and raffle and there will be baskets, too.  It will be a lot of fun! 

Dee McDermott has to make a speech during the Spring Conference in Tacoma in April.  We need to get information to her about what we want Dee to say about our club.

Rainier Lions Club Board Meeting Minutes for 3-11-2013

Rainier Lions Club
Board Meeting  03-11-2013

Attending:  George & Linda Johnson, Evan Burnett, Art Runyan, Bernice Beck, Kay Bryant, Brenda Flaherty, Shirley, Julia & Bud Green, Rodney Mitchell. (Linda L. came before the meeting and dropped items off befor the meeting.  She has another function to attend and gave us advance notice.  She has an excused absence for both the board and regular meeting.)

George starts meeting at 6:07

Officers for this coming year:

(George has the list.  Only changes to the list:  Ron Lind will be Lion Tamer.  Linda J will chair the Fuji Apple fundraiser this coming year. List is on the desk top.)

Contact Mineral Lake Lions about getting a gift certificate for the school fundraising auction.
Our silent auction on April 27, 2013.  Have a virtual auction on the blog and through the MD-19 newsletter.  Linda J. will post the articles on the items and run the auction.

There was a vote on all members being able to vote on how the money is spent.  The vote was carried unanimously. 

Voting on meals:  How is the potluck doing?  Several choices were presented.  This has been tabled until next week, while people think about them.

Boy Scout troop is being charted by the RLC.  It was voted on and passed unanimously.  Evan Burnett will be the scout master.

Scouting for Food Starts Today

The Nisqually Valley News published the article above on March 15th / page A2 

George Johnson and the Rainier Lions Club sends a special thank you to the Nisqually Valley News and the people of Rainier, WA for supporting our local community.  

Tacoma Lions Potato Bake on Saturday, March 23rd.

Potato Bake 

Saturday, March 23rd  

  • Potato Bake - with great food
  • Cake Walk 
  • Hourly Raffles 
  • Huge Silent Auction 
  • Seahawks (possibly 2) visit between 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Tickets will be sold at the door.  Start at 1 PM.  Couple of things to let everyone know about is we will have a Live auction at 2 PM and the Seahawks (this year possibly TWO) will be there 2:30 to 4 PM.  

Hope to see you all Saturday.
Frank and Sheila Pierce

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Editorial: Bosses, leaders, and human hearts

Written by Willmore D. Eva


Most people would agree that good leadership is something like a brass ensemble gathered on the stage of life, playing beautiful music. Each instrument represents a feature or quality of leadership that stands out at one moment, and blends in with other instruments at another. Together they create a captivating harmony that moves the audience into a constructive common experience.

Or perhaps quality leadership is more like a recipe in which there is an assortment of carefully chosen ingredients, mixed in fine proportion, simmering on the family stove, ready to be served up with just the right flourish, so the gathered family will be satisfied and nourished.

The core of the difference between a boss and a leader lies in the fact that the leader has caught the vision of how critical it is to actually lead by enlisting the hearts of those who work with him or her. He knows the unsurpassable value of consistently leading from that perspective. While a leader may not be able to do this purely and consistently in every situation, it is nevertheless always the essential underpinning of a healthy leadership orientation. It helps to make more boss-like actions more palatable and effective when at crunch times the leader is forced to be more "bossish."

The boss simply hasn't caught this vision. The more he senses that he does not have the hearts of those he super vises (a common frustration for him), the more insecure he tends to become and the more he tends to operate as "the boss." And the more he or she bosses, the more his/her approach alienates. Thus again the natural tendency is to remedy the fallout by turning yet again to still more bossing. This escalates until this way of administrating or merely managing not really leading becomes his/her predominant, default style.

Jesus was, of course the consummate leader. His was the way of discipleship and that's an infrastructure I word when it comes to the sort of leadership we're advocating here and He gave His whole life to modeling this approach (Read again Mark 10:32-45.) 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Difference Between a Leader and a Boss

Cited in Preface of Dr. William Glasser's

The Quality School, Managing Students without Coercion”

Taken from the Apollo School:
A boss drives. A leader leads.
A boss relies on authority. A leader relies on cooperation.
A boss says "I." A leader says "We."
A boss creates fear. A leader creates confidence.
A boss knows how. A leader shows how.
A boss creates resentment. A leader breeds enthusiasm.
A boss fixes blame. A leader fixes mistakes.
A boss makes work drudgery. A leader makes work interesting.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Meeting Agenda for March 11, 2013


MEAL 6:30-7 P.M.

Pledge of Allegiance
KL George:  PRAYER

Introduction:  Guest Speakers

Brook McCarten: Scholorship App presentation

1. How we will vote on expenditures going forward
2. Vote on boy scout charter-
·        Evan will head up boy scouts
3. Update on cub scouts
4. Dee needs brag info for zone meeting-discussion
·        Halloween in park
·        Blog
·        boy and cub scouts
·        community involvement
5. Silent auction April 27th-George
·        Will we go virtual
·        what we need to do
6. Kites April 27
·        Do we purchase 50 kites –Linda J?
7. Board meeting on third Monday starting next week- George
8. School auction 23rd- discussion
·        do we offer an auction item

9. White Cane Days

10  Dinner for five-Evan
11. Bud and Julia new members
12. Teaming up new members with Evan


City Council meets 2nd & 4th Tues. at 7:00 PM

Senior Center Lunch:  Mon & Wed at noon $2.50 each

Together:  1st & 2nd Wed 5 PM City Hall

Rainier Food Bank: Food available Wed & Sat 9 – 12


Possible Cub Scout bake sale

MAR 23:  Lacey Sunrise Breakfast
MAR 23:  SW Tacoma Potato Bake 1 – 5 PM
MAR 23:  Rainier School Scholarship Auction

APR 5-6: District Spring Conf.
La Quinta Inn, Tacoma

APR 27 or 28: Kites with Cub Scouts
Rainier Community Cares

White canes
MAY 2:  at Jim Bob’s Chuck Wagon
MAY 4:  at Texico station

June 6-12-25: Secretary Training  (Choice of dates)

Peaches Pears & Nectarines

Bluegrass Festival

Support Our Cub Scouts!

Board Meeting Agenda for March 11, 2013


March 11, 2013

2013-2014 officers:

President- George
Vise President-Evan
Treasurer-Linda L.
Lion Tamer- Shirley
Tail Twister- Rod
Membership and retention- Bernice
Bulletin editor - Linda J.
Additional board members-Kay-Bud-Julia-Art


Visitations – Bernice
Road clean up – Evan, Richard
Blog – Linda J
Sight and hearing – Evan, Richard
Dues committee – Evan, Bernice, Kelly
Cub Scouts – George, Bud, Richard
Boy Scouts –Evan, Larry W
Peaches, Pears &Nectarines – Evan, Rod, George
Grapefruit – Bernice, Kelly
Apples – Bernice, Bud
White canes – Bernice, Shirley, Larry W
Blue Grass – Beverly, Bud, Julia, Evan, Richard, Larry W
School presentations – Brenda, Kay, Linda L
Halloween in the park – Brenda, Kay, Julia, Kelly
Dinner for 5 – Evan, Brenda, Kay, Shirley
Christmas Caroling-Bernice – Linda J, Evan
Christmas Party – Linda J, Kay, Brenda, Linda L
Club Summer Cookout-Brenda – Linda J, -Linda L, Julia
Annual Auction – Brenda, Linda J, Julia
Public Relations – Bernice, George, Bev J

Committee Meeting Topics:

Donation to school auction
Online auction April 27th (auction)
Voting entire club vs board only
Board meeting to third Monday of the month starting next week
Blue grass meeting

How to handle and charge for dues:
  • Same at each meeting brought by the same people
  • Club buys food and prepared by member
  • Charge or don’t charge
  • Dues:  What will we do to raise don’t raise and points criteria – Bernice & Evan

Use of committee reports