Halloween in BOOO-PARK!


We're all meeting at Boo-kowski Park between 4:30 & 8 PM.

Join us for family fun & treats!  

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Senior Center Christmas Bazaar & Food Drive

The Senior Center is having their Christmas Bazaar November 8 & 9th.  ALL Donations are appreciated! Please bring your donations to the Senior Center on Monday or Wednesday!

 Thank you!

The Senior Center, in Rainier, is getting low on non-perishable foods.  They are having a 
food drive at Walmart - out in front of the main doors by the grocery section - in Yelm, WA
on November 3rd from about 10 AM - 3 PM. 

 ( If you don't know what to donate, they will have a list of items that they need there for your convenience.)

Shine Specialties & Promotions

Shine Specialties made a presentation to our club last night.  We invited them because they made our Bluegrass Tee-shirts for 2013. Not only did they do an outstanding job, they used 2 colors and were more affordable then the 1 color t-shirts we have bought previously for our Bluegrass Pickin' Party.  Since they are local (right off of Koepen) we didn't have to drive a long distance to get them, either!  

Laura & Jim Shine started their home-based specialty & promotional products business almost 6 years ago.  In fact, next month they will celebrate their businesses 6 year anniversary.  This business is part of their "10 year retirement plan." 

Their mission - in everything they do - is to Glorify God.  Being a home-based business, they have very low overhead costs, which they pass on to their customers.  They only pay for their materials and the loan on some of the equipment they purchased in order to do business.  They hope to have their equipment paid off soon.

Laurie said that she prides herself in providing excellent customer service.  Their turnaround time rate is very quick.  Their motto is:  "If you can think it, we can ink it!"

Some of the products they produce are:  Poly metal signs (road signs), first aid kits, buttons, mugs, jugs, trophies, award plaques, bags, Clear NFL stadium bags (no registered trademarks), tee-shirts, bracelets, thumb rings, temporary tattoos, hats, decals - there are over 700,000 different products to choose from.  (We have their catalog, if you'd like to see it.)

I scanned several of their flyers below - for your ease of viewing:

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Detrick's Farm & Chicken Coop

Emilee & Jaime Detrick run a farm in Rainier, WA.  They have organic foods:  fresh free-range chicken & duck eggs, jams, blackberry pie filling, a variety of salsa's and home grown honey.  

If you want eggs from sweet, happy free-range chickens & ducks, the Detrick's Farm is the place to shop!  Emilee's chickens & ducks get massages - they run up to her for them!  She makes them little aprons and puts them on when they molt.  These are the happiest chickens in the county!  

Emilee & Jaime just added 5 bee hives, so they can supply their customers with their fresh, organic honey.  

The Detrick's Farm is the place to shop for farm friendly products!

Call and shop at Detrick's Organic Farm!

LCI NEWSLETTER for November 2013:

Dear Lions,
This month, I was able to celebrate World Sight Day in Australia, and I am proud of the sight-saving efforts that Lions continually put forth. But, I am also proud of how much we do in other areas of service. More and more, Lions are becoming known as people who can provide basic assistance in the hours and days following a disaster, as well as relief and rebuilding in the months following.
As we come upon the one year anniversary of a superstorm that hit the United States, that and other disasters like the Japan tsunami and the Haiti earthquake are great examples of Lions' immediate response, compassion and support at work.
Two weeks ago, Lions responded immediately to a destructive cyclone in India. LCIF awarded a US$100,000 major catastrophe grant to Multiple District 322. Lions will use some of the funds to purchase short term relief items including blankets, food, water, and medical supplies. The remaining financial support will be used for reconstruction efforts within areas that were completely destroyed. To assist with disasters like this, I encourage you to consider making a donation to the Foundation for disaster relief, which is Melvin Jones Fellowship eligible.
In response to another recent tragedy, Lions in Kenya acted quickly when the horrific mall shooting occurred in Nairobi. Within an hour of the attack, Lions were volunteering at the M. P. Shah Hospital, where people who had been injured were provided with medical aid. And Lions' hard work did not go unnoticed - the President of Kenya visited the hospital and thanked the Lions for their support and being the first to respond.
It would be impossible to list all of the amazing Lions' disaster relief efforts from around the world – I see examples posted online every day. You are giving people hope following tragedy, and rebuilding communities together through your support, through your use of LCIF emergency grants and through your contributions to our Foundation. I thank every one of you for your dedication to helping others in times of need.
Wayne A. Madden
Chairperson, Lions Clubs International Foundation
LCIF Grants Awarded
Dental mission
During the October 2013 Board of Directors meeting in Port Douglas, Australia, 51 Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) grants were awarded totaling US$2,443,541. Among many projects, these grants support Lions' efforts to build playgrounds for children who are disabled; purchase ophthalmological equipment for local hospitals; conduct medical and dental missions; purchase low vision aids; and much more. Lions will touch the lives of an estimated 4.7 million people through these grants, assisting those in need both locally and globally.

Unique Outreach with Lions Quest in Norway
Lions Quest NorwayIn Norway, the Sandnes Lions and the Sandnes Ulf professional soccer team have partnered to bring Lions Quest and soccer into classrooms. In January 2012, the soccer team agreed to become Lions Quest ambassadors in local schools. Players teach a 60-minute session to fifth graders about bullying, decision making, saying no to drugs, and working to achieve goals.
"It means so much to the students when we visit their school," said player Bjørnar Holmvik. "It's great that we have such a good curriculum for them."
To further promote the program, Sandnes Ulf players wear a Lions Quest Norway logo on the back of their jerseys, a Lions Quest billboard is displayed at the field, and a short Lions Quest video is played on the big screen during a match break. The Sandnes Ulf players have visited more than 10 schools, and they have plans to visit 20 by the end of 2013. You can read more about the Sandnes Lions Quest program in the September issue of LION Magazine. (Photo courtesy of Trond Rekstad)

Donate a Photo
This October, Lions Clubs International has encouraged Lions to "Share the Vision" through a Global Service Action Campaign. In addition, LCIF partner Johnson & Johnson (J&J) launched its #EyePledge campaign, raising awareness of the importance of eye health through the use of photos and social media.
To further the impact of an #EyePledge, participants can use J&J's free Donate A Photo smart phone app to generate contributions to Sight for Kids, a partner program of LCIF and J&J. For every photo uploaded on behalf of Sight for Kids, J&J will donate $1 to help provide eye exams to children.* Sight for Kids has provided free vision screenings to more than 17 million children since 2002.
 Donate a Photo 

*Participants can donate a photo to one cause, once a day through the Donate a Photo app. For every photo donated to Sight for Kids, Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc. will donate US$1 to that cause. You can donate photos to Sight for Kids until November 30, 2013 or until it reaches its goal of US$30,000, whichever comes first. Sight for Kids will receive a minimum of $15,000.
Donate now

The Young Life dinner and auction


7th Annual Auction

On November 9th at New Life Christian Center 13036 Morris Rd Se  Yelm  Doors open at 5 pm, dinner at 6 pm. Tickets are $25 per person.  Buy your tickets today at:

For more information Call:   (360) 951-4542

Monday, October 28, 2013

Meeting Minutes for 10/28/2013

MEAL 6:30-7 P.M.

Pledge of Allegiance
KL George:  PRAYER

Carl Jung:  “You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do.”

Robert Powell:  “The most worthwhile thing is to try to put happiness into the lives of others.”

KL George Johnson:
Guests Speakers:  Shine Specialties, Rainier Emergency Food Center, Bill Miller

Guests:  Dorothy Payne, Dick Plantner, Jim & Laurie Shine, Bill Miller, Chris Fanton, Danny Kruse,Walter Dohring, Nadine

Members:  Evan Burnett, Chris & Bernice Beck, George & Linda Johnson, Terri & Bill Rendahl, Dawn Kenny (& her 3 children), Bud & Julia Green (& their 2 children), Brenda Flaherty, Kay Bryant, 

1.  Shine Specialties:  30 Min  - This local company made our Bluegrass Tee-shirts for 2013.  They did a great job, using 2 colors.  They were affordable and their outstanding quality was 
  the reason we invited them to speak to our group, local businesses in the area as well as           members from other Lions Clubs in MD-19.  

Shine is a home-based business that started almost 6 years ago.  This business is their "10 year retirement plan" and their mission in everything they do - is to Glorify God.  Being a home-based business, they have very low overhead costs, which they pass on to their customers.  They only pay for their materials and the loan on some of the equipment they purchased in order to do business.  They hope to have their equipment paid off soon.

Laurie said that she prides herself in providing excellent customer service.  Their turnaround time rate is very quick.  Their motto is:  "If you can think it, we can ink it!"

Some of the products they produce are:  Poly metal signs (road signs), first aid kits, buttons, mugs, jugs, trophies, award plaques, bags, Clear NFL stadium bags (no registered trademarks), tee-shirts, bracelets, thumb rings, temporary tattoos, hats, decals - there are over 700,000 different products to choose from.  (We have their catalog, if you'd like to see it.)

2.  Rainier Food Bank:  10 Min

REFC is the largest satellite food bank in Thurston County, of their 18 satellite food banks, serving over 200 families per week.  They get almost all of their food from outside the Rainier area from:  Trader Joe's, Costco, Safeway, TFAB (Federal program) etc.  They receive a lot of fresh produce from the Rainier Community Garden, which donated over 1400 pounds of freshly grown produce to REFC this year.  Local farmers donate fresh eggs, produce and meat.  

Nothing that is donated to the food bank is wasted.  NOTHING!  If it goes "bad" they give it to farmers to feed to their livestock or put in their compost pile - which comes back to the food bank in the form of fresh food.

The REFC provides food to Crossroads, Emanuel Lutheran Church, Tenino Heritage Baptist Food Bank, Rainier preschools & day care centers.  48% of the people that come into our food bank are from Yelm, or areas just outside of Rainier.  (McKenna, Roy, Tenino, etc.)

REFC applied for their 501-c3 status, but they haven't received their paperwork, yet.  They've been told that they're approved, but they haven't received their paperwork, yet.  They applied and were approved in January.  Without their 501-c3 certification, they cannot apply for grants. That being said, they are paying approximately $1300 - $1400 per month in expenses.  Their rent, which includes water, heat & electricity, is $400 per month.  The majority of their other expenses go to paying for gas for their vehicles - which are needed to pick up food in Lacey, Olympia & Tumwater.  

TO DONATE TO the Rainier Emergency Food Center go to: 

3.  Wheel Chair Ramp Update: Brenda  The area for the ramp to be put in has been cleared out and is ready for the Fire Department to build and install.  The ramp will be finished the weekend of November 9th.  

4.  “Why I am a Lion” Bud & Julia   -  Bud spoke about why he became a member of the Rainier Lions Club.  He & his wife, Julia, were considering moving out of the area - because of the lack of community here.  They wanted what is best for their young children.  They looked at all of their choices.  They decided to stay and become a part of "the solution."  When their son, Dameon wanted to become a Cub Scout, they found there were no troops in town.  They asked several groups to "Charter the Scouts" and they all said "NO."  Then Bud asked George & Rod from the Lions.  They said "YES!  WHY NOT?"  The rest is history.  One thing led to another and here they are - Loyal Lions!  

5.  Halloween in the Park: Brenda  The Rainier ROCS are very excited about Halloween in the Park.  They have posters plastered all around the school!  The Girl Scouts are bring several cars for "Trunk-or-Treat" and the Rainier Community Garden will have a "Trick-or-Eat" bin where people can donate their non-perishable foods to the food bank.  There are several businesses & civic groups who will be giving out treats at B0000-kowski park.  Come join us for a great time!

6.  Tents:  George  - We're meeting in the Red Barn - in Rainier to gather the tents and give them out to the troops!  SEE YOU THERE!

7.  LIONS Display Board: George  - We need at tri-fold cardboard display board about the Rainier Lions Club.  Anyone that wants to work on one, contact George.

8.  Interest in other groups:  George - We have many civic groups in town.  Join one, or just visit one.  We are in this community TOGETHER.  Let's communicate and partner with one another!

9.  Christmas Party Dec 13th -   

10.  Do we want to adopt a Christmas project or join one that already exists?  Fire Auxiliary, Food Bank?   We decided to talk to the pastor at Rainier Chapel and donate to one of their families as well as the Rainier Fire Auxiliary.

11.  Essay recap - no applicants, so far

12.  New Businesses in town - Please support our new businesses in town:  Bikini Bottom Tanning Salon & Retro Candy Shoppe, Pupper's Pet Supply & Rainier Market.  The first two businesses opened in October.  The market plans to open December 1.  Whoo-Hoo!

13.  School playground drive - Over $1000 earned so far & counting!!!! 

14.  LERC:  "We help people, one pair of glasses at at time!"  Bill Miller


City Council meets 2nd & 4th Tues. at 7:00 PM

Senior Center Lunch:  Mon & Wed at noon $2.50 each
Together:  1st & 2nd Wed 5 PM City Hall

Rainier Food Bank: Food available Wed & Sat 9 – 12

Sportsman’s Club – 1st Monday @ 7 PM

Rainier Community Gardens 1st Monday RHS

Rainier Community Cares – 1st & 2nd Wed. @ 2nd portable by RMS

City Council – 2nd & 4th Tues. @ 7 PM

Historical Soc. – 3rd Thurs. @ 6:30 PM

Valley Heart Breakfast – 4th Sat 9 – 11 AM – Free – farm fresh sausage & eggs, fresh fruit, homemade biscuits - great food!


Oct 31:  Halloween in the Park

Holiday Bazaars: 

Nov 8 & 9:  9 AM – 4 PM Historical Soc.
Nov 9: The Young Life Dinner & Auction @ New Life Christian Center 13035 Morris Rd SE, Yelm.                  Doors open @ 5 PM, Dinner at 6 PM.  Tickets are $25 per person.

Nov 16:  Bazaar at Rainier Chapel

Nov 23:  Sportsman’s Club 10 AM – 4 PM
Nov 23:  White Elephant Bazaar at Rainier Emergency Food Center
Nov 23:  Bazaar at Lake Lawrence

Dec 6:  City Hall Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony

Dec 10:  Lions Night at the Theater 7:55 PM

Dec 13:  Lions Christmas Party

Dec 14:  Caroling for Cans

Dec 20:  New Life Auction & Dinner 5 – 7 PM

Support Our: Rainer Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts & Girl Scouts

Booooo-kowski PARK!

Remember to bring your goblins for TREATS:

Rainier Lions Club: MEETING AGENDA 10-28-2013

MEAL 6:30-7 P.M.

Pledge of Allegiance
KL George:  PRAYER

Carl Jung:  “You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do.”

Robert Powell:  “The most worthwhile thing is to try to put happiness into the lives of others.”

KL George Johnson:
Guests Speakers:  Shine Specialties, Rainier Emergency Food Center

1.  Shine Specialties:  30 Min  - This local company made our Bluegrass Tee-shirts for 2013.  They did a great job, using 2 colors.  They were affordable and their outstanding quality was 
  the reason we invited them to speak to our group, local businesses in the area as well as           members from other Lions Clubs in MD-19.  
2.  Rainier Food Bank:  10 Min
3.  Wheel Chair Ramp Update: Brenda
4.  “Why I am a Lion” Bud & Julia   
5Halloween in the Park: Brenda
6.  Tents:  George
7.  LIONS Display Board: George
8.  Interest in other groups:  George
9.  Christmas Party Dec 13th
10.  Do we want to adopt a Christmas project or join one that already exists?  Fire Auxiliary, Food Bank?
11.  Essay recap
12.  New Businesses in town
13.  School playground drive


City Council meets 2nd & 4th Tues. at 7:00 PM

Senior Center Lunch:  Mon & Wed at noon $2.50 each
Together:  1st & 2nd Wed 5 PM City Hall

Rainier Food Bank: Food available Wed & Sat 9 – 12

Sportsman’s Club – 1st Monday @ 7 PM

Rainier Community Gardens 1st Monday RHS

Rainier Community Cares – 1st & 2nd Wed. @ 2nd portable by RMS

City Council – 2nd & 4th Tues. @ 7 PM

Historical Soc. – 3rd Thurs. @ 6:30 PM

Valley Heart Breakfast – 4th Sat 9 – 11 AM – Free – farm fresh sausage & eggs, fresh fruit, homemade biscuits - great food!


Oct 31:  Halloween in the Park

Holiday Bazaars: 

Nov 8 & 9 9 AM – 4 PM Historical Soc.

Nov 23:  Sportsman’s Club 10 AM – 4 PM

Dec 6:  City Hall Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony

Dec 7:  Caroling for Cans
Dec 13:  Lions Christmas Party
Dec 10:  Lions Night at the Theater 7:55 PM
Dec 20:  New Life Auction & Dinner 5 – 7 PM

Support Our: Rainer Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts & Girl Scouts

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Ride on Demand Bus Service

Ride on Demand Map of Rainier

Ride on Demand Map of Yelm

Rainier Emergency Food Center: "Help Us Help Others"

Inside the Rainier Emergency Food Center

The Rainier Emergency Food Center is a non-profit organization that serves people in rural Thurston County.  It is a satellite of the Thurston County Food Bank.   They are currently the second largest center in Thurston County, serving the many families and individuals affected by the current down-turn in the local economy. They serve an average of eight hundred families per month.  

TO DONATE TO the Rainier Emergency Food Center go to: 

Open: Wednesdays and Saturdays     
Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon
Volunteers getting ready to serve.
Special delivery service is available to people who qualify. 

Rainier Emergency Food Center (REFC) has an open door policy and provides after-hours service for people in need. They currently operate through the generosity of donations and grants. They currently have twenty three dedicated volunteers servicing those in need.
                     Volunteer Today!!!
Place: Valley Heart Assembly of God
      11318 Vail Cutoff Road SE
 Rainier, WA 98576

Email: REFC99@gmail.com


Enter the door on the right side of the metal building:  
To visit Valley Heart's website, click here.