Friday, November 29, 2013

Daniel Childs - LIVE in Concert!


Daniel Childs ins the grandson of one of the performers in the original Blackwood Brothers Quartet.  Daniel will be performing LIVE at the Rainier Chapel on Saturday, Dec. 14th at 7 PM.

MEETING Minutes 11-25-2013

MEAL 6:30-7 P.M.

Pledge of Allegiance
KL George:  PRAYER

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.” 
Bernard M. Baruch

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” 
Maya Angelou   

KL George Johnson:
Guests:  Roberto Mozzarella

Speaker:  Roberto Mozzarella talked about Agenda 21 & Sustainable Thurston County.  His group has scheduled a meeting with Sandra Romero on December 6, 2013.  Sandra has regular meetings with our citizens and City Council Members once a month.  She met for coffee in Rainier on November 24, 2013.  You can find out when she meets in Rainier again on the Rainier City Hall website at:  City of Rainier.

Scouting Letter for Donation - The scouts asked us to donate $50.00 to sponsor 1 eagle scout at a special dinner.  Julia motioned to pay for the dinner.  Linda J. seconded the motion.  The motion was carried unanimously.

Caroling for Cans Dec 13th w/ FFA, Scouts, Community Garden 6 PM at Rainier Chapel. Everyone is on board.

Christmas Party Dec 9th:  Teri, Brenda, Julia and Linda J are getting ready for the dinner.  Julia has money to pick up a turkey and some of the fixings at Safeway.  (Turkey will be free with a purchase of $150.00 - we fronted her $200.00 cash for some of the supplies.)  Santa, "Don" is arranged for.  There will be several guests attending.  Invitations need to be sent out through "evite."  Menu:  Turkey, stuffing, yams, cranberry sauce, spiral cut ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, corn, pumpkin & pecan pie, spiced cider, juice & coffee or tea.  We need a head count.  George and I have gifts set aside for the party.  Chris Beck has gifts for children & we have hard back books for Santa to give to children as well.

Theater on the 10th:  Bernice said the tickets are all sold out.  The Rainier Lions Club sold 10 tickets, so we will not earn any funds from this activity.  She gave us the money for the tickets and I wrote the Shelton Lions a check for the amount due.  (9 tickets were sold.  One check was written out to the Shelton Lions.  I wrote a check for the difference & will deposit the checks and cash from our members.)

Grapefruit Sales:  Bernice made a flyer for this years grapefruit sale.  You can order grapefruit any time for a February 8th delivery.

Christmas Tree Placement:  George called Rick @ the Rainier Market.  (They plan on opening the grocery store December 20, 2013.)  We can place the trees in the covered area in front of the Rainier Espresso & Pizza.  Rex & Jenny will collect the Christmas Tree payments.  We will pick up the payments once a week.

City working on Concession Stand:  Randy has a meeting with the Thurston County Commissioner next month to go over the details.  We will have use of the concession stand during Bluegrass and for Halloween.  Other then that, the City will plumb & wire.  We will supply all of the building material for the stand and furnish.  (George & I have a refrigerator and storage cabinet already.)  The City of Rainier can rent the concession stand for weddings, receptions, reunions and other activities - with the funds going to the City of Rainier.  .

Soccer Fields update:  The fields have been approved.  They will be put in soon.  Thank you to Rex & Jenny and the Soccer Moms of Rainier for your diligence and hard work!

Recap planning meeting:  The house was packed at City Hall.  The meeting ran overtime.  We will meet again December 17, 2013.  We are pleased with the results.  Everyone who attended spoke up about their concerns for the city.  We do NOT want any big box businesses in Rainier.  We decided on a future with a sewer system in place, so our city can grow.  We want to limit businesses to small, unique businesses with a central city theme.  A farmers market would be nice.  Randy or Fred will contact Fairpoint about making a small park by their building a gazebo.

Scholastic "Reading Action Program" Webinar:  George read the letter from LCI about this webinar.  Julia Green, Teri Rendhal & Dawn Kerry will look into attending this webinar.  

Future of our Lions Club.  George mentioned this at the end of the meeting.  The members need to decide leaders for next year.  This year George is President; Evan - Vice President. For the last few months I've been doing the blogging, secretarial work (except for 2 online reports done by Brenda Flaherty) and Treasurer's job.  June 30, 2014 is my last day as secretary or treasurer.  George & I will help David Wuller & Nancy Bay with Bluegrass.  George is the Chair for Peaches, Pears & Nectarines.  I will continue with the blog, unless someone else is willing to take over that responsibility, as well.  

George J & I have been very active in the club for the last 3 years.  There are weeks that we put in 50 hours or more each.  We have been helping bring our community together through our Lions Club activities.  

George & I work with the following groups in town:  Rainier City Hall, Boy & Cub Scouts, Rainier Community Cares (Together), Rainier Public Schools, Eagle View Christian School, Rainier Historical Society, Rainier Senior Center, Rainier Sportsman's Club, Rainier Emergency Food Bank & Rainier Community Garden.  ALL of these groups in town can use help.  If you want more information, please contact us at:  (360) 292-5363.  

Linda Johnson


Together:  1st & 2nd Wed 5 PM City Hall
Rainier Community Gardens 1st Monday RHS

Senior Center Lunch:  Mon & Wed at noon - $2.50 each

City Council meets 2nd & 4th Tues at 7 PM

Rainier Community Cares – 1st & 2nd Wed. @ 2nd portable by RMS

Sportsman’s Club – 1st Mon @ 7PM

City Council – 2nd & 4th Tues. @ 7 PM

Rainier Food Bank:  Wed & Sat 9 – 12 noon

Historical Soc. – 3rd Thurs. @ 6:30 PM

Valley Heart Breakfast – 4th Sat 9 – 11 AM – Free – farm fresh sausage & eggs, fresh fruit, homemade biscuits - great food!


Nov 28:  LERC

Dec 6:  Rainier City Hall Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony

Dec 9:  Lions Christmas Party
Dec 10:  Lions Night at the Theater 7:55 PM
Dec 13:  Caroling for Cans

Support Our: Rainier Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts & Gi

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

CPR Training December 4th

Hello George and Linda ,

I just wanted to send you a quick note that we have a fabulous training next Wednesday! The ad below is in the online Nisqually Valley News. Be sure to share this with your friends! We'd like to offer this opportunity to as many folks as we can, although space is limited.  Please RVSP at 867-3233 or email so we can have a head count for our awesome instructor, Ms. Paula Willadsen! 

This is also the coalition's only function for the holidays as the December 11th meeting is CANCELLED with so many community activities already moving forward. We'll re-convene in January.  

I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving! 

Best wishes, 
Mark your calendar: The regular coalition meetings are the second Wednesday of each month at 5 p.m.  

Rainier Community Cares: Working together to create positive opportunities and enhance community pride while promoting an alcohol - and drug-free environment for youth. 
Juliette Pia                                                                                                                          
Program Manager

the TOGETHER! website 

TOGETHER! engages and mobilizes families, schools and the community to advance the health, safety and success of our youth. 

Monday, November 25, 2013

Faith's Thank You

Dear Lions,

Faith Boesch sent us a "Thank You" for our donation to the playground extension for Rainier Elementary School.  Below is a copy of her hand made card, which folds open.   I'm posting it here, so you can see it any time you'd like to:


MEAL 6:30-7 P.M.

Pledge of Allegiance
KL George:  PRAYER

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.” 
Bernard M. Baruch

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” 
Maya Angelou   

KL George Johnson:
Guests:  Roberto Mozzarella

1.  Speaker:  Roberto Mozzarella
2.  Scouting Letter for Donation
3.  Caroling for Cans Dec 13th w/ FFA, Scouts, Community Garden 6 PM at Rainier Chapel
4.  Christmas Party Dec 9th, guests, head count Students serve & cleanup
5. Theater on the 10th:  Bernice
6. Grapefruit Sales:  Bernice
7. Christmas Tree Placement
8. City working on Concession Stand
9. Soccer Fields update
10.  Recap planning meeting
11:  Future of our Lions Club

Together:  1st & 2nd Wed 5 PM City Hall
Rainier Community Gardens 1st Monday RHS

Senior Center Lunch:  Mon & Wed at noon - $2.50 each

City Council meets 2nd & 4th Tues at 7 PM

Rainier Community Cares – 1st & 2nd Wed. @ 2nd portable by RMS

Sportsman’s Club – 1st Mon @ 7PM

City Council – 2nd & 4th Tues. @ 7 PM

Rainier Food Bank:  Wed & Sat 9 – 12 noon

Historical Soc. – 3rd Thurs. @ 6:30 PM

Valley Heart Breakfast – 4th Sat 9 – 11 AM – Free – farm fresh sausage & eggs, fresh fruit, homemade biscuits - great food!


Nov 28:  LERC

Dec 6:  Rainier City Hall Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony

Dec 9:  Lions Christmas Party
Dec 10:  Lions Night at the Theater 7:55 PM
Dec 13:  Caroling for Cans

Support Our: Rainier Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts 

Friday, November 22, 2013

Castle Rock C.A.R.E Coalition Meeting

Juliette Pia, Randy Scleich, George & I went to the Castle Rock CARE Coalition Monthly Meeting last night at the Castle Rock Senior Center.  There was a presentation covering their achievements in the last year. 

MISSION STATEMENT:  The Castle Rock C.A.R.E Coalition is dedicated to mobilizing the community and the community's human resources in fostering positive values and healthy lifestyles in order to influence and empower our youth and adults to live drug free, make responsible choices, and to become productive citizens.

The CARE Coalition / Drug Free Communities Goals and objectives are well defined and they listed (line item) how their objectives were met, as well as the number of members they have and what they specialized in.

We met Myron before the meeting at the Senior Center.  He started a Senior Center/High School Mentoring Program.  Twice a week four high school students serve lunch to the seniors at the center, which helps them build strong, ongoing relationships between their youth and senior citizens.  This program includes 28 students and 20 adults who participated in the 2012 - 2013 year.  A letter from one of the students was read to us, which showed how meaningful this program can be to the students.

Other Programs:

Project Success
Community Town Hall
Castle Rock Parade
Castle Rock Fair
Mountain Mania
Click It or Ticket It  (400 students who wore seat belts received special ticket/coupons.)
I Topped the Rock Fundraiser (Fun Run)
Open Gym Program
Healthy Options Fitness Program
School/Community Garden and Orchard Project
Castle Rock Community Development Alliance (CRCDA)
Kelso STOP Coalition and Longview Anti-Drug Coalition
Strengthening Families program
Let's Draw the Line Program (retailer Education Program
Social Norms Campaign
Safe and Healthy Summer Campaign
Community Resource Guide
Prevention Redesign Initiative & Survey
*Prescription Drug Drop-Off Program and Awareness Campaign (Collected 82 pounds of        prescription drugs for disposal)

Summary:  The CARE Coalition is actively engaged in the community & it's events.  Their members are actively involved in the police department, social work, school district, faith based and business community.  They are focused on helping their citizens make responsible choices in their lives and community through their programs and mentoring programs.  

All in all, we are very impressed with their members and the success of their programs!  We received a copy of their annual evaluation, which is positive and inspiring.  We plan to implement some of their programs in our Rainier Community Cares Coalition.

Below is a flyer for people in the Cowlitz - Castle Rock, Vader & surrounding areas:

Cowlitz Tribal Treatment - Youth Program

Help Rainier decide how to use their limited parks funds!

Rainier Parks Survey 

The City of Rainier is considering how best to provide park and recreation amenities for area residents. The community currently contains a wealth of park land, but much of it is owned by organizations other than the City. Few City-owned park facilities exist, and where they occur, the facilities tend to have minimal equipment or equipment that is nearing the end of its useful life.  This effort will:
  • Work with residents to determine how best to enhance parks within Rainier, and
  • Work with organizations to identify ways to partner to potentially provide additional recreational opportunities.
The next parks planning meeting will be held  on:
  • December 17 at 7:00 pm.
  • Additional meeting dates will be added soon.
  • All meetings are held at Rainier City Hall.
Fill out the 
Rainier Parks Survey

LCIF and Lions Make a Difference

Dear Lions,
So much has happened in the past month. I want to thank you for the immediacy of your response to the devastating typhoon in the Philippines. With LCIF's disaster relief fund, the Foundation was able to provide US$130,000 to the Lions of the Philippines instantly. And within less than one day, the Lions of OSEAL donated US$370,000 towards relief efforts while gathered at a forum in Singapore.
It took one day for our organization to mobilize US$500,000 for disaster relief in the Philippines. That is amazing. And, we continue to receive donations to LCIF for disaster relief. Thank you for your support. Every donation, no matter the size, provides help.
Our hearts go out to everyone in the Philippines. Being able to provide a meal, clean water and necessary medicine to those in need can make a huge difference. LCIF is able to help local Lions meet these immediate needs thanks to your donations. As the damage is assessed, Lions and LCIF will also assist with the long-term rebuilding of communities.
Lions are truly everywhere, and do everything when it comes to service. In the past month, I had the opportunity to travel to Ethiopia with members of the GAVI Alliance to be a part of a lifesaving vaccination campaign. It was an inspirational event to be a part of. With our partners, we are making a real difference in areas that need vaccinations most. That is why we have committed to raising US$30 million for measles by 2017. Those funds will help save millions of lives.
Everything our Foundation does, it does for people in need. From measles vaccinations to disaster relief and everything in between, you are the reason why our Foundation is one of the most trusted foundations worldwide.
Wayne Madden

Chairperson, Lions Clubs International Foundation

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Rainier Senior Center Menu for Wed. November 20, 2013

The Rainier Senior Center is serving:

 Asian Chicken Salad

Monday, November 18, 2013

IMPORTANT: Agenda 21 Meeting in Yelm Wednesday

There is a special meeting about UN Agenda 21 in Yelm at the Moose Lodge at 6:00 PM on Wednesday, November 20th.  They will be having a special speaker, who will explain what this
is all about.

I went to Rosa Koire's website and read about Agenda 21.  It is a UN agenda that was planned a long time ago - to bring us into the 21st century.  It effects every aspect of our lives today and will drastically alter the way we live in the future.  This is a "whole life plan."

Check out Rosa Koire's book "BEHIND THE GREEN MASK: U.N. Agenda 21".  


Here's a nice endorsement from Rep. Jim McCune, a Washington state congressman, that he included in his newsletter to his constituents.  Notice that he refers to Agenda 21:

"I came across a bookBehind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21, written by a woman who was able to put into words her first-hand experiences of her harrowing journey over several years in California defending property rights. It reads almost like a mystery or thriller. It’s hard to put down, because you want to know what happens next, including whether the taxpayer or the government/stakeholder/special interest wins. You will be introduced to a good deal of the terminology used by supporters of the United Nation’s platform for sustainable living (Agenda 21), such as: vision 2040, visioning, stakeholder, collaborate, regionalize (regional governance), community rights, biodiversity, wild lands, core wilderness reserves, biosphere reserves, human settlements, public-private partnerships (PPP or 3P), etc."

And an endorsement from G. Edward Griffin, author of The Creature From Jekyll Island:

"Behind The Green Mask: UN Agenda 21 covers a tremendous amount of ground in a concise, well-written, and deeply insightful book.  Rosa lays bare the building blocks of tyranny from global to local that are the foundation of the UN's Agenda 21/Sustainable Development."

Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21 is the best single source of discovering and uncovering what has been going on for several

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Local LCI Peace Poster Contestants

These are a couple of pictures of the two Peace Poster entrees we submitted from Eagle View School.  There were three submissions for the Peace Poster Contest.  The two winning posters (Below) were created by:  McKenzie Miller & Faith Rick.  

Just thought that you would like to see them.


Rainier.....we have a problem!

Tim Brogan's Auto Repair & Glass was broken into over the holiday weekend.  This is just one of many, serious burglaries in Rainier.  Brogan's has been hit at least 5 times in the last few months.  

They cut right through the metal wall, kicked in the insulation and wallboard and entered the premises.  Then they proceeded to load up all of the tools and some supplies.  Tim Brogan and his workers had acquired the tools of their trade - over the decades that they worked at the shop.  They're tools are all gone.

The burglars stole 2 vehicles.  Both vehicles were owned by grandparents.  People who trusted Tim and his crew to repair them.  One vehicle was driven into a huge rock.  It's a total loss.  The second vehicle was filled with  paint and flammable items from the shop and torched.  It was a 2011 Chevy Impala.  The owners were so please when they purchased it a few months ago. They'd waited years to be able to get this car. 

Look at it now:  Even the tires are melted.  

We need to be aware of what's going on around us.  Keep in touch with our neighbors and friends and watch out for each other.  These criminals are pros.  It's time to catch them in the act, so they can be prosecuted & put away. 

This problem started in July and the robberies and thefts have escalated in frequency and damage over the last few months.  When people like this destroy any business or home in our community, we are ALL hurt.  The loss is tremendous.   

If you see any suspicious activity, or know who committed these acts, please call 911 immediately.  

See the Nisqually Valley News article here:  Investigation Ongoing in Rainier Grand Theft Auto Case

Hey everyone: 
The shop I work at got broke into early Monday morning. They loaded up a car and truck full of tools and took off. Later torching the car and stumping the truck. I wish I could say its been an isolated insistent but I've been hearing about a lot of thefts in our area. We all have to come together as a community and keep an eye out and tell the police if we hear or see anything. Lets get these guys caught before someone get hurt. I know Rainier is a small town but lets use that to our advantage. Some one knows something so please don't keep it to your self. We have pictures and video of the people involved. I will get them on here ASAP. Until then if you hear anything let the Thurston co sheriff department know any info anyone might have. Please & thank you in advance.
Damion Green

The pictures courtesy of the Brogan's surveillance camera:


George drove Bud Green to identify the tools.  I don't know where they went, but they were called tonight about going out to identify the tools.  They should be home soon.  Good Job
Thurston County Sheriff Department!!!   Thank you for your service!

George returned just after 7 PM and said that Bub didn't find all of their tools; just a few of them.  Sad, so sad......  

Okay some more pics not sure if there better or not. Good news is I think they got one of them and found a couple of tools I went and got tonight. But most of them were already gone. At least one bad guy is off the street. Just keep your eyes and ears open let get the other one.

Rainier Senior Center Holiday Spirit!

George & I went to the Rainier Senior Center for lunch today.  Bob Carby & Elaine Raybon made Chicken Corn Chowder & biscuits.  They used Rosemary Sander's chowder recipe.  It was great!   Today's menu was:  Salad, Corn & Chicken Chowder, Biscuits, Cheese Cake

Bob Carby & Elaine Raybon (in back)

The senior center serves lunch on Mondays & Wednesdays at 12:00 sharp.  The cost is $2.50 per person - for seniors over 55 years of age.  The Rainier Senior Center serves between 25 - 40 lunches, depending upon how many people show up. 

Below is the small, tabletop tree (left) and a white Santa gorilla (right)

Teddy Bear Tree below:

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Main Street 507 - Rainier Parks Plan

Rainier soccer field was approved by Thurston County!

Damion (Bud) Green, George & I attended the Rainier City Council Meeting tonight.  The use of the county land has been verbally agreed to by Thurston County.  It looks like the 2 soccer fields will be put in, but there are things that need to be done.  To find out more about the Rainier Parks Plan go to: Rainier Planning

Rainier Park System
The City of Rainier is considering how best to provide park and recreation amenities for area residents.

Meetings to study this issue will be held on:
  • November 19 at 7:00 pm and
  • December 17 at 7:00 pm.
  • Additional meeting dates will be added soon.
  • All meetings will be held at Rainier City Hall.
A community meeting will be held on the Parks Plan in late January 2014.
Stay Informed

If you would like to stay updated about the Rainier planning projects,
please join the mailing list.
Email, please include
"Rainier Planning Projects Mailing List"
in the subject line.

Rainier Lions Club Meeting Minutes 11-11-2013

Meeting Minutes 11-11-2013

MEAL 6:30-7 P.M.

Pledge of Allegiance
KL George:  PRAYER
JFK:  “Do not pray for an easy life, pray to be a stronger person.”

Complacency:  “a feeling of contentment or self-satisfaction – contented to a fault; unawareness of danger, trouble or controversy.”


Members:  KL George Johnson & Linda, Bernice & Chris Beck, Brenda Flaherty, Evan Burnett, Ruth Bernstein, Bud & Julia Green (& their 2 children), Walt Dohring, Linda Lazelle, Dawn Kenny (& her 3 children), Bill & Teri Randhal, Ron Lind,

Guests:  Donna Murr, Jill & Lily Wilkinson, Tami Clark, Nadine Whitlock, Betty Jo Morgan, Joseph, Sandra & Corbit Engel

Veteran’s Day:  George read a passage about Veteran’s Day; the meaning behind it and where the tradition started.

Chris Beck:  Veteran’s Day
Follow-up & Why I am a Lion - At first Chris spoke about AMVETs 264 and then he talked about how he moved to Rainier 40 years ago.  There was a lot of bulling going on at the school.  Then the school burned down.  They changed the atmosphere at the school.  At first they worked on changing it 1 teacher at a time; then one parent at a time, then finally one student at a time. 
Chris & his wife Bernice liked working through the school system.  All of their children attended Rainier Public Schools. 
          Twenty years passed and Chris was invited to a Rainier Lions Club meeting.  He liked the unselfishness of the members; their commitment to service and camaraderie.  He went to a couple of meetings.  He became excited about the Lions and invited his wife to come with him.  They joined and have been lions for 20 years.

Melvin Jones Award:  George noticed that we have enough at LCI to nominate a Melvin Jones winner.  He nominated Becky Waldron.  Chris Beck said she was going to be given the award, but passed away prior to the nomination being finalized.  We nominated Becky for the award.  This was approved unanimously.

Halloween in the Park Update: Brenda and Tami Clark said that Halloween in the Park was a huge success.  Hundreds of people attended the festivities.  We look forward to doing it again next year.  Teri Randahl will chair this event next year.

Grapefruit:  Bernice & the Lions want to offer this fundraiser to other groups.  We can start selling grapefruit now.  Delivery is expected February 8, 2014.

George read the Union Gospel e-mail.  They will provide glasses and hearing aids to people in need for a small fee.  We will work through them for glasses & hearing aids, (but continue to work with the NW Lions Foundation for cataract surgery.)  We can get eyeglasses and hearing aids free, if we donate $500 a year to the Union Gospel Mission.  Right now, we tabled that idea.  We decided to reserve the money for cataract surgery and other community needs.  We will pay on an individual basis for eyeglasses and hearing aids.  If the need becomes great, the Lions will revisit this option.

Christmas Tree Placement – no decision yet, due to Rainier Market reopening.

Brenda, Terri & Julia will plan the food for the Lions Christmas party.  I will help with gifts.  Christmas Party will be at the Rainier Chapel on Dec 13th.

Caroling for Cans will be on December 14th.  Evan and George will contact the FFA and choir at RHS about caroling with us this year.

The Shelton Lions Night at the Theater:  yearly fundraiser at the Olympia Little Theater.  Call Bernice
Beck if you want to buy tickets.

Trifold:  Linda Lazelle volunteered to work with Bev Jolley on creating a couple more trifold displays for the Rainier Lions Club.


Essay Contest:  Julia – no applicants

Scholarship:  Brenda – no applicants

Peace Poster:  George – 2 applicants from Eagle View Christian School.  (THANK YOU, Barbie Ballou & the school staff!)


The board met after our regular meeting at 8 PM.

We voted on the following items: 

Handicapped Door:  K. Ballanger needs a door, so her wheel chair will fit.  Her home has a 32” door and she needs a 36” door.  The Fire Department will install the door.  The Rainer Lions Club voted unanimously to purchase the door.  (Bud 1st, Bernice 2nd)

LCI Donation:  We voted to donate $500 to LCI towards the Melvin Jones award.  We all voted “yes” except for Evan Burnett who voted “Nay.”  The motion passed.  (Chris B 1st, Julia G 2nd)

Union Gospel Mission Donation:  No one motioned to vote on donating to the Union Gospel Mission.  We decided to table this until we have requests for hearing aids or glasses.  Most expenses went to helping for eye surgery last year.

Hooved Animals Donation:  We voted on whether or not to donate to the Hooved Animals of Thurston County.  They have many animals that they’ve saved from starvation, who are in need of health care and food this year.  We voted to donate $250 to them.  (Evan B 1st, Linda J. 2nd)  All voted “Yes” except Bernice Beck who voted “Nay.”

The meeting adjourned at 9 PM.


Together:  1st & 2nd Wed 5 PM City Hall
Rainier Community Gardens 1st Monday RHS

Senior Center Lunch:  Mon & Wed at noon - $2.50 each

City Council meets 2nd & 4th Tues at 7 PM

Rainier Community Cares – 1st & 2nd Wed. @ 2nd portable by RMS

Sportsman’s Club – 1st Mon @ 7PM

City Council – 2nd & 4th Tues. @ 7 PM

Rainier Food Bank:  Wed & Sat 9 – 12 noon

Historical Soc. – 3rd Thurs. @ 6:30 PM

Valley Heart Breakfast – 4th Sat 9 – 11 AM – Free – farm fresh sausage & eggs, fresh fruit, homemade biscuits - great food!


Nov 23:  Sportsman’s Club Holiday Bazaar 10 AM – 4 PM
Nov 28:  LERC
Dec 6:  City Hall Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony
Dec 10:  Lions Night at the Theater 7:55 PM
Dec 13:  Lions Christmas Party
Dec 14:  Caroling for Cans
Dec 20:  New Life Auction & Dinner 5 – 7 PM

Support Our: Rainier Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts & Girl Scouts