Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Give BIG to Unemployment Law Project

Unemployment Law Project is a very valuable resource for anyone who's been wrongfully denied unemployment benefits and need to fight to obtain their benefits.  

What is GiveBIG?
The Unemployment Law Project is participating in Seattle Foundation’s GiveBIG Campaign on Tuesday, May 6, 2014. GiveBIG is a one-day, online charitable giving event. Each donation made to ULP through The Seattle Foundation’s website between 12:01 a.m. and 11:59 p.m. (Pacific Daylight Time) on Tuesday, May 6, 2014, will be "stretched," or added to by the Seattle Foundation.
How will my donation be matched?
The amount your donation will be stretched depends on how much money is in the matching pool by May 6th and how many donations are made on the day of GiveBIG.
What are the benefits of participating in GiveBIG?
Giving to ULP through GiveBIG benefits our clients by providing ULP with operating funds. The benefit to you is knowing you have directly helped a person who is seeking unemployment benefits.  In addition, GiveBIG donors will be chosen at random to have an additional $1,000 given to the organization that received their donation. We hope you will support us in our GiveBIG campaign!

What is the Seattle Foundation and what do they do?
The Seattle Foundation's mission is to foster powerful and rewarding philanthropy to make King County a stronger, more vibrant community for all. The organization was founded in 1946. It's one of the nation's largest community foundations with total assets of nearly $600 million. Each year the Seattle Foundation makes over 1,600 grants to nonprofit organizations.

Why do you want me to participate in GiveBig?
GiveBIG is important to us because it's an easy way to multiply the impact your donation is able to make. 
Ready to GiveBIG to ULP? Click the button below for step-by-step instructions. Remember, GiveBIG is only, May 6, 2014.

White Cane Days May 2014

The Rainier Lions Club will be at Jim Bob's Restaurant in McKenna on May 1, 2014 from 10 - 7 PM, Stewart's Meats on May 2nd from 10 - 4 and at the Texaco in Rainier WA on May 3rd from 10 - 4 PM.

Here's a flyer about White Cane Days:

Uncovered Topics at Last Night's General Meeting

Topics that were not covered in last nights meeting:
- White canes are this Thursday, Friday and Saturday. We could use some help this Friday at Stewart's if anyone is free to assist.  Please let Bernice know if you can help either 10-1 or 1-4. We will not go to Rainier Market this year or make a second cane for collections.
- Chris and Walt are doing a family fun day on Saturday  May 17, They will need help on that Saturday so please contact Chris if you will be there to help. Also could use any additional ideas on simple events to run in addition to bird houses and a paper airplane contest.  They can bring their own kites to fly as well.   Also will need help serving hot dogs and chili dogs. We will purchase some ribbon awards to present to the kids. Please help make this a successful event . Hours will be 11 am to 3 pm at the Rainier Chapel
-Dinner for 5 on May 14th at Mr. Doug's restaurant at 6 pm. Lets have a good turnout and it’s always fun.  Buffet surprise is the menu.  Evan, did not notify Bonnie.  George contacted her today and she's going to check Principal Barr's schedule to see if he's available on the 14th.  
- Blue grass is rapidly approaching and we are still working on finding a group to do the burger stand. Girl scouts are still the first option but are waiting to hear back from their district for an OK.  Because we will not be doing burgers (we hope) it would be good to come up with another way to generate some additional income. If you have an idea please share it. Run an idea by someone, it might work  .(Note:  Scott Bartlet  will be working on getting some a living history event at Bluegrass, as well.)
- PPN visitations- If you are making a visitation please get a club folder from George which will contain that clubs order history. There is a permanent page in the folder to write the contact persons name and phone number- Please bring the folder back to our club for a permanent record
-------Rainier Elementary School will be using PPN as a fund raiser  and if there are no objections I would like to invite Eagle View and Phoenix rising Schools both to participate as well. 
- LERC is running very low on eyeglasses. I would like to involve the schools in a collection drive for used eyeglasses. Would like the OK to offer ice cream sandwiches to the class that gets the most glasses in each building. Should  cost us under $100 dollars.  Phoenix rising has a newsletter with a 500 contact email list.  Aaron said he'd put a notice in their next newsletter about LERC's request for glasses. 
-Ron will be bringing the meal to our next meeting
-Rainier FFA plant sale is on May 8-9th
-Senior center yard sale is this week on Friday and Saturday 10-4
-Parenting program with guest speaker April 30th at Elementary gym 6pm
-Please use the expense form, emailed out yesterday, when reporting any out of pocket expenses.

General Meeting Minutes for 4/28/2014


MEAL 6:30 P.M.

Pledge of Allegiance
Vice KL Evan:  PRAYER

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; it’s the only thing that ever has.” 
Margaret Mead

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
Winston Churchill

“Today is national blueberry pie day.”

KL George:
Guests:  Fred Evander, Garth Holmes and Lindsey from Oly West, Scott Bartlet, Tami Clark & her son, Nadine Witlock, a couple and their son.

1.  Future Lions Awards:  Bernice presented awards to Julia Green for Damion & Gracie, Ruth Bernstein for her grandson Keygan and Teri & Bill Randahl & Dawn Kenney for Autumn, John and Matthew. 

2.  Rainier Parks & Hwy 507:  Fred Evander spoke about modifications to Highway 507 - so that pedestrians would be safer crossing the streets, as well as to make it easier to walk and shop in the main shopping areas in town.  The highway isn't pedestrian friendly, as it is right now.  There are telephone poles in the middle of the sidewalks, and poles block drivers vision when people start to cross the street.  

Fred also talked about making improvements to the greater Rainier downtown corridor, so there would be more activities and green areas for people in town, as well as visitors, to utilize when they come to town.  

Many of the people watching Fred's presentation had questions and ideas about how to improve both the sidewalks, road and park areas in town.  Fred brought flyers with detailed pictures of the park improvement ideas.  
Our meeting ran over, so other subjects were not discussed.  KL George Johnson will send out an email about the other items on the agenda.


Together:  1st & 2nd Wed 5 PM City Hall
Rainier Community Gardens 1st Monday RHS

Senior Center Lunch:  Mon & Wed at noon - $2.50 each

City Council meets 2nd & 4th Tues at 7 PM

Rainier Community Cares – 1st & 2nd Wed. @ 2nd portable by RMS

Sportsman’s Club – 1st Mon @ 7PM

City Council – 2nd & 4th Tues. @ 7 PM

Rainier Food Bank:  Wed & Sat 9 – 12 noon

Historical Soc. – 3rd Thurs. @ 6:30 PM

Valley Heart Breakfast – last Saturday of the month Sat 9 – 11 AM – Free – menu varies - great food!


Apr 30:  Parenting Event @ Elementary School Gym 6 PM

May 1, 2 & 3:  White Cane Days

May 2 & 3:  Senior Center Yard Sale 10 - 4

May 3:  Oly Host Belgian Waffle Breakfast @ United Churches 8 AM – Noon
11th Ave – Olympia

May 8 – 10:  RHS Plant Sale

May 14:  Dinner for 5 at Mr. Doug’s

May 17:  Family Fun Day (Chapel)

May 19:  Bluegrass Board Meeting

May 31:  FREE Chicken Coop Workshop (Rainier Community garden)

Support Our: Rainier Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts & Girl Scouts



MEAL 6:30 P.M.

Pledge of Allegiance
Vice KL Evan:  PRAYER

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; it’s the only thing that ever has.” 
Margaret Mead

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
Winston Churchill

“Today is national blueberry pie day.”

KL George:
Guests:  Fred Evander, Garth Holmes and Lindsey from Oly West, Aryn

1.  Future Lions Awards:  Bernice
2.  Rainier Parks & Hwy 507:  Fred Evander
3.  White canes May 1st, 2nd & 3rd Bernice update – Second cane??  At Market??
4.  Family Fun Day – Chris & Walt
  • Food
  • Activities & Crafts
5.  Dinner for 5 May 14th:  Evan
6.  Scholarship – George
7.  Something new at Bluegrass??
  • 8.   Peaches, Pears & Nectarines – Vitiations.  Prices will stay the same $28 & $24. 
  • Visitations:  Bernice, can you get a list of clubs that don’t meet in the summer, so we can contact them first?
  • Folder for each club visited – to be returned after visitation
9.   Review mileage and cost of training
10. LERC – working with Rainier schools & Phoenix Rising School on eyeglass Promo
11.  Next meal:  Ron Lind
12. Tail Twister


Together:  1st & 2nd Wed 5 PM City Hall
Rainier Community Gardens 1st Monday RHS

Senior Center Lunch:  Mon & Wed at noon - $2.50 each

City Council meets 2nd & 4th Tues at 7 PM

Rainier Community Cares – 1st & 2nd Wed. @ 2nd portable by RMS

Sportsman’s Club – 1st Mon @ 7PM

City Council – 2nd & 4th Tues. @ 7 PM

Rainier Food Bank:  Wed & Sat 9 – 12 noon

Historical Soc. – 3rd Thurs. @ 6:30 PM

Valley Heart Breakfast – last Saturday of the month Sat 9 – 11 AM – Free – menu varies - great food!


Apr 30:  Parenting Event @ Elementary School Gym 6 PM

May 1, 2 & 3:  White Cane Days

May 2 & 3:  Senior Center Yard Sale 10 - 4

May 3:  Oly Host Belgian Waffle Breakfast @ United Churches 8 AM – Noon
11th Ave – Olympia

May 8 – 10:  RHS Plant Sale

May 14:  Dinner for 5 at Mr. Doug’s

May 17:  Family Fun Day (Chapel)

May 19:  Bluegrass Board Meeting

May 31:  FREE Chicken Coop Workshop (Rainier Community garden)

Support Our: Rainier Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts & Girl Scouts

Saturday, April 26, 2014

The Phoenix Rising School Civil War Event:

We went to The Phoenix Rising School Living History presentation of their Civil War Event, Saturday.  Dozens of people were dressed in 1800's attire.  Parents and children alike were mesmerized by the performances and museum pieces that brought American history to life in Rainier, WA. 

The event will continue tomorrow, so check it out!  You don't want to miss it!

 Bagpipe Band:

The calm before the reenactment:

 (Above:  Scott Bartlett in center of picture.)

 This lady told us about all of the clothing a lady in the 1800's was required to wear, starting with her socks & split pantaloons.  In the last pictures, you will see her help dress Abby in the clothing of the Civil War era.  It took a few minutes to dress her.  Now I know why the ladies in Downton Abbey needed a ladies maid!

Olympia Bagpipe Band:

The reenactment: 

 Soldier encampment:

Good Union soldiers - line up to shoot:

The Confederate soldiers line up behind the fence in the coral:

READY, AIM...... FIRE!!!!

Attending to the wounded: 

Man down!

Confederate soldiers move out to follow the Union soldiers: 

Sneak peak in a confederate tent:

A tent held up with forked branches found on site:

Ammunition boxes & rifle:

Another Confederate campsite:

Flags flying in the wind:

Arsenal table:

"Dressing up" in Civil War era clothing was more involved than Abby realized.  First she had to put on socks, pantaloons, a chamese, corset, then a hoop skirt and several petticoats, followed by a long blouse, skirt, jacket and hat.  A blouse was considered an "under garment."  Dressing the way we do today would have gotten us arrested in the 1900's

 Below:  Abby is almost finished being dressed.  She still needs a coat & hat.  Oh, my!