Thursday, October 30, 2014

USDA 502/504 Direct Programs - Rural Grants and Loans

We received forms for people who need loans to build or repair their homes from the USDA. You can find the forms 502/504 at  I scanned them and they are shown below.  (There are 12 pages.)

There are some loans, for very low income, there are some grants.  Grants do not have to be repaid by the recipient as long as they meet the terms of the grant.  (If they are having repairs made to their property, that the repairs are made according to the terms of the grant. In other words, if you're getting a grant for a roof, you don't put in a swimming pool.  

Rural & Tribal Transit for Yelm & Rainier

Below is an email received by Evan and myself from Fred Evander Rainier City Planner on helping to construct a rural bus stop in Rainier.  

Both Evan and myself feel this is something we can do as a club for Rainier and maybe even get some wheel chair ramp builders to assist. Evan also suggested we try and get the American Legion involved with us. 
There are some things we can do with little or no cost. We also believe our club can afford to construct a bus stop shelter in Rainier. Please contact Evan or me with your thoughts.

Fred needs our club's response by mid November.



So far, the general consensus from our Rainier Lions Club members is "Yes" to building the rest stop for the                Rural Transit.  Please send us your input.

Fred Evander, City Planner for Rainier, sent the Rainier Lions information on the Rural & Tribal Transit for Rainier & Yelm.  

From: Fred Evander
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2014 11:23 AM
Subject: Rural and Tribal Transportation
Hey George,
Attached is the letter…
Potential donation options include:
-Donation of a bus stop sign or shelter that somebody on the Lions (or somewhere else) made
-Volunteer time (say an hour a month commitment from somebody) to discuss RT with residents, at the Lions meetings, etc.
-Use of your reader board sign on Binghampton to promote RT for a certain amount of time.
Anyway that the Lions could help would be appreciated.
Let me know if you have any questions.
___________________________________ Fred Evander, Associate Planner
Thurston Regional Planning Council
2424 Heritage Court SW, Suite A
Olympia, WA  98502
Phone:  (360) 956-7575
Fax:  (360) 956-7815
Website: Please review:

Creeping Crust Cobbler!!!

We tried this cobbler at the Rainier Senior Center Potluck on Wednesday.  It's yummy and easy to make for kids of all ages:

Rainier Senior Center Christmas Bazaar!

Our seniors are working their fingers to the bone getting ready for our Christmas Bazaar! Knitting, crocheting, quilting, sewing, woodworking and baking - just for you!  Come to our Bazaar and check out the goodies we've been creating for Christmas!

Rainier Historical Society Christmas Bazaar

The Rainier Historical Society and Rainier Senior Center (as well as Lake Lawrence) will be holding their annual Christmas Bazaars on November 7th & 8th.  Get your handcrafted items for your Christmas list here in Rainier!

Monday, October 27, 2014

The Anonymous People

November 10th, the Rainier Lions Club will be meeting early.  Rainier Community Cares, through TOGETHER!, will be showing a movie called "The Anonymous People."  Dinner, lasagna, will be served at 6:00 PM and the movie will start promptly at 6:30 PM.  The public is invited.

To read reviews about this movie, which was released on DVD in June of 2014, can be found on Amazon at:  The Anonymous People.

Recovery is OUT - to change the addiction conversation from problems to SOLUTIONS. An independent feature documentary about the over 23 million Americans living in long-term recovery from alcohol and other drug addictions.

Editorial Reviews

The Anonymous People is a feature documentary film about the 23 million Americans living in long-term recovery from addiction to alcohol and other drugs. Deeply entrenched social stigma and discrimination have kept recovery voices silent and faces hidden for decades...UNTIL NOW.
Just like women with breast cancer, or people with HIV/AIDS, courageous addiction recovery advocates have begun to step out of the shadows to fuel a passionate new public recovery movement that will transform public perception, and ultimately the response to the addiction crisis...FOREVER.

Meeting Agenda 10/27/2014

Meeting October 27, 2014

Special Guest Speaker 

Juliette Pia
Pledge of Allegiance:
I Pledge Allegiance
To The Flag
Of The United States Of America
And To The Republic
For Which It Stands
One Nation
Under God,
With Liberty
And Justice
For All.

My country 'tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty
Of thee I sing;
Land where my fathers died,
Land of the Pilgrim's pride,
From every mountain side
Let freedom ring.

My native country, thee,
Land of the noble free,
Thy name I love;
I love thy rocks and rills,
Thy woods and templed hills,
My heart with rapture fills
Like that above.
Let music swell the breeze,
And ring from all the trees
Sweet freedom's song;
Let all that breathe partake;
Let mortal tongues awake;
Let rocks their silence break,
The sound prolong.

Our fathers' God to Thee,
Author of liberty,
To Thee we sing.
Long may our land be bright
With freedom's holy light,
Protect us by Thy might
Great God, our King!

Our Prayer; Our Pledge; Our Song:

Where Lions meet be present Lord,
And fill our hearts with one accord.
To do thy will, Lord make us strong
To aid the weak and right the wrong.

Special Announcement:  George Johnson

Guest Speaker:  Juliette Pia of RCC (Rainier Community Cares)  

Anonymous Movie:  Juliette

LERC:  Bernice & George

Christmas Party:  Evan – Meal & Date

Health Van Update:  Ruth Bernstein

Fuji Apple Sales: George J   

Halloween in the Park: Brenda F & Cub Scouts please donate decorations.  What refreshments do we want to provide for the children and their parents.

Christmas Tree Sales: 

Tail Twister:  Chris Beck

Rainier Community Gardens 1st Tuesday RHS
Senior Center Lunch:  Mon & Wed at noon - $2.50 each – prices go up to $3.00 per person in January 2015
City Council meets 2nd & 4th Tues at 7 PM
Rainier Community Cares – 1st & 2nd Wed. @ Valley Heart Church
Sportsman’s Club – 1st Mon @ 7PM
City Council – 2nd & 4th Tues. @ 7 PM
Rainier Food Bank:  Wed & Sat 9 – 12 noon
Historical Soc. – 3rd Thurs. @ 6:30 PM
Valley Heart Breakfast – last Saturday of the month Sat 9 – 11 AM – Free – menu varies - great food!

October 18 & 19:  MD-19 Fall Conference at Ocean Shores
October 31:  Halloween in the Park
November 10:  Rainier Lions Club Meeting – Movie presentation “Anonymous.”
LERC:  To Be Announced…
Support Our: Rainier Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts & Girl Scouts

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Aarambh: Help Desk, DDB Mudra Group

School bag and desk - True Recycling
Beautiful solution.
This is really clever.  It just goes to show that thinking outside the box has its benefits.
School bag & desk...
Indian Ingenuity...
So simple,  yet so brilliant!
What also struck me was the fact that, as poor as they are,
the schoolchildren are all dressed in neat uniforms.

    Video Link:

An NGO created as a Community Service Centre for marginalized families in urban slum and rural areas, Aarambh, wanted to help students who are not as privileged, with basic facilities, in order for them to be more comfortable at school. Most schools in Indian rural areas have two basic problems:

1) The schools didn't have proper desks, which led to poor eyesight and a hunched back leading to bad posture and bad writing.
2) The students didn't have bags.

We came up with a solution which tackled both these problems at one go.

To make the portable desks we used discarded cartons which are economical and easily available. We then used a pre-set stencil design, which when cut and folded, created a slick desk which also served as a school bag.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Third Graders Receive Dictionaries from Rainier Lions

The Rainier Lions made its’ annual visit to Rainier area third graders delivering dictionaries this week  .  Last week they visited  Eagle View School  third grade and Phoenix Rising School combined third and forth graders.
This is a ongoing  program adopted by most Lions clubs from coast to coast. They are not only dictionaries ,  more like miniature encyclopedia  filled with information about our country, world and universe.  It includes the longest word in the English language - with 1,907 letters, biographies of our presidents, math tables, countries of the world, braille & sign language alphabets and The Declaration of Independence and more.....

Pictured are Lions Linda Lazelle, Bud Green, George Johnson, Art Runyon and Terri  Rendahl  and the classes of Rainier third graders who received their dictionaries this week.

The third grade teachers are Mrs. Swanson and Mrs. Cinkovich.

Rainier Lions in back left to right:  
Teri Rendahl, Art Runyan, George Johnson, Bud Green 
& Linda Lazelle

Monday, October 13, 2014

Meeting Agenda 10/13/2014

Meeting October 13, 2014

Special Guest Speaker 

Marcie Cleaver

Pledge of Allegiance:
I Pledge Allegiance
To The Flag
Of The United States Of America
And To The Republic
For Which It Stands
One Nation
Under God,
With Liberty
And Justice
For All.

My country 'tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty
Of thee I sing;
Land where my fathers died,
Land of the Pilgrim's pride,
From every mountain side
Let freedom ring.

My native country, thee,
Land of the noble free,
Thy name I love;
I love thy rocks and rills,
Thy woods and templed hills,
My heart with rapture fills
Like that above.
Let music swell the breeze,
And ring from all the trees
Sweet freedom's song;
Let all that breathe partake;
Let mortal tongues awake;
Let rocks their silence break,
The sound prolong.

Our fathers' God to Thee,
Author of liberty,
To Thee we sing.
Long may our land be bright
With freedom's holy light,
Protect us by Thy might
Great God, our King!

Our Prayer; Our Pledge; Our Song:

Where Lions meet be present Lord,
And fill our hearts with one accord.
To do thy will, Lord make us strong
To aid the weak and right the wrong.


Cub Scouts Popcorn Sale:  Damion Green

Guest Speaker:  Marcie Cleaver of PCC Farmland Trust.
They are a 501-c3 organization.  The PCC Farmland
Trust has saved 10 farms with a total of 1306 acres that
support 15 organic farms.

Health Van Update:  Ruth Bernstein
Fuji Apple Sales: Linda L & George J   
Dictionaries 10/14/14, who will be attending:  Linda L
Halloween in the Park: Brenda F & Cub Scouts please donate decorations

Tail Twister

Rainier Community Gardens 1st Tuesday RHS

Senior Center Lunch:  Mon & Wed at noon - $2.50 each – prices go up to $3.00 per person in January 2015

City Council meets 2nd & 4th Tues at 7 PM

Rainier Community Cares – 1st & 2nd Wed. @ Valley Heart Church

Sportsman’s Club – 1st Mon @ 7PM

City Council – 2nd & 4th Tues. @ 7 PM

Rainier Food Bank:  Wed & Sat 9 – 12 noon

Historical Soc. – 3rd Thurs. @ 6:30 PM

Valley Heart Breakfast – last Saturday of the month Sat 9 – 12 Noon – Free – menu varies - great food!


October 15:  Rainier Community Cares meeting 7 PM at the Rainier Emergency Food          Center   

October 18 & 19:  MD-19 Fall Conference at Ocean Shores

October 31:  Halloween in the Park
Support Our: Rainier Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts & Girl Scouts

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Thurston County to loose 6 Sheriff's in 2015

Sheriff: Not Enough Money in Budget


It's time for all citizens in Thurston County to ROAR like Lions!!  The Thurston  County Sheriff's Department will loose 6 sheriffs in 2015, according to the guidelines in the 2015 proposed budget.  In this economy, this is bad news.  (Nisqually Valley News article HERE.)  

Our Sheriffs support us 24/7.  We need to support them, now.  

According to Thurston County Commission Chair Karen Valenzuela, the on-line version of the preliminary budget had some problems. "Apparently, some figures in the on-line budget document displayed improperly, making it hard to understand those parts of the budget. County staff are revising the tables and we want to make sure people have time to review the corrected budget and comment if they would like." 

So they've extended the public comment period from October 10th to October 24th.  Go to article HERE.

To email your public comments send to:

There are several ways to make comments-
  • By mail at- 2000 Lakeridge Drive SW, Olympia, WA, 98502, Attn. Commissioners
  • By phone- 360-786-5440
  • By Email- (Reaches all three commissioners - Cathy Wolfe, Sandra Romero & Karen Valenzuela 

There must be other areas where Thurston County can make cuts.  

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Ginger Street Glasses Light

George & I stopped in at Ginger Street today.  We found a small lamp that can be attached to a pair of glasses, so you can read at night.  It's great for a Kindle Paperwhite - which isn't back lit, or reading a book, newspaper, etc.  I bought one for $5.00 to send to my daughter.  

What an amazing little item.  It's light weight and easy to use.  It twists to turn on & off.  The lamp can be adjusted to go up and down, too.  

Great little item, if you want to read at night and not bother people around you......

It's worth making a special trip to shop at Ginger Street.  Laura has a wonderful selection of items.  Her summer and Halloween items are 50% off right now.

She ordered "Magic Soap" for Christmas.  It just came in & she's getting ready to put it out on the floor.  Magic Soap is a stainless steel orb that you wash with when you're cooking with fish, onions or garlic to get rid of the odor.  It works like magic and sells out fast.   "Magic Soap" is a great gift to put into Christmas stockings.