Tuesday, July 24, 2018

We Love Rainier, WA Order Form 2018

If you want to order items to support "We Love Rainier, WA" you can order on the form below.
Bring your form and payment to Rainier City Hall or Main Street Cookie Store or email a copy
of your form to George Sharp at:  gsharp@thurstonedc.com

Road Clean-up 8/4/18

Rainier Lions are going to do road & trash pickup on 8/4/18 at 9 AM, be there at 8:30 AM, if anybody wants to help clean up the park.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Flyer for the 26th Annual Bluegrass Festival 2018

Come & Join us for fun at the 26th Annual Bluegrass Festival in Rainier, WA!

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Rainier School Supply Drive 2018

Here is the flyer for the coats, shoes and school supplies. We are also looking for donations of coats, shoes, school supplies and money. There is a collection box at city hall and a jar for money donation in their office. We will be collecting until August 3rd.

Supplies needed:

We can always use backpacks,




colored pencils,

notebook paper,

composition books, rulers,


glue sticks,

post-it notes, erasers,



dry erase markers,

thumb drives,


scissors - children's and adults,

pencil boxes, and pencil pouches.