Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Rainier Lions 2018 Christmas Trees on Sale NOW!

      Thank you for supporting the projects and services of the Rainier Lions Club. 

Merry Christmas from the Rainier Lions Club!

The Rainier Lions are selling Christmas Trees at the Rainier Market until Christmas!

The trees are $30.  They come from our local "Sprouffske Tree Farm". 
Inquire at the Market!   

The next Rainier Lions Club Meetings will be held at the Rainier Chapel in 2019 on 
January 14th and 28th at 5:30 p.m. in the Rainier Chapel.  

Come Join Us!

Friday, November 9, 2018

Rainier Lions at Halloween in the Park 2018

The Rainier Lions had a fun time at Halloween in the Park in Rainier! Lions Terri Rendahl and Dawn Kenney set up a spinning wheel for the kids -- the trick or treaters could win a prize or candy!  Thank you Terri and Dawn for serving the community well!  There was also a student volunteer who spooked up the Haunted Trail.  This student is working toward the Lions Becky Waldron Memorial Scholarship by completing volunteer hours.  

Monday, October 8, 2018

Dictionaries for Third Graders 2018!

The Rainier Lions Club delivered 65 Dictionaries to the 3rd Graders at the Rainier Elementary School and 14 Dictionaries to Eagle View Christian School on September 25th, 2018.  Lions Terri Rendahl, Art Runyan, and Sandy Smith enjoyed giving dictionaries to the students and told them about the Lions.  New Lion, Sandy, Said she had such a wonderful time seeing the excitement and how the students really dug into the reference books. Come visit the Lions at our next meeting on October 22nd at 5:30 PM in the Rainier Chapel.  We continue to SERVE!!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Fuji Apple Sale Orders Open Through October 5, 2018

The deadline for ordering apples has been extended to October 5, 2018!  These are premium quality apples that are individually packed in the boxes this year.  These apples are fresh, crisp and juicy.  They are a winter apple that will last for a long time if they are kept cold.  They're good for pies, apple crisp, apple strudle, eating, apple sauce, apple cake, muffins and so much more!  

Remember to order your box of Fuji Apples today!!!  

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Becky Waldron Memorial Scholarship Application for 2018-19

Below is the Scholarship Application and Project Sheet for 2018-2019.  Any student at Rainier Hight School interested in this scholarship can get more information by contacting the RHS Councilor Kristin Robinson.  She can answer any questions about the scholarship, qualifications and what a student needs to do to apply during their senior year of high school.

For those of you who didn't know Becky, she was a devoted member of the Rainier Lions Club and worked as their Treasurer for many, many years. She was an active fundraiser. She is still missed by        the Rainier Lions. In her day job, she worked for the State of Washington at the Attorney Generals            Office. Thank you, Becky, for your many years of service!

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Rainier Lions Club Sponsors Children (with Diabetes) to go to Camp Leo

Rainier Lions Fuji Apple Sales, all profit will go to Camp Leo (for children with Type 1 Diabetes).   A way to make sure your child attends Camp Leo is to volunteer  (family, friends or camper) with the Rainier Lions, during their community service projects, in the current  Lions year that is from now to June 30, 2019.  Then the Club will sponsor your child for Summer 2019 Camp Leo!   Come to the Lions meeting on the 4th Monday of the month, Rainier Chapel at 5:30 p.m. or contact the Rainier school nurse. (The Club limits the number of children sponsored.)

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Camp Leo to Benefit from Rainier Lions Club Annual Apple Sales!

Camp Leo is the ONLY overnight camp in Western Washington exclusively dedicated to children with Type 1 Diabetes.

This year our apples will be packed at the orchard this year.  You will buy 40# of fresh, crisp, Fuji Apples for $40.00!  These are beautiful apples that keep fresh for a long time, so you can make pies, apple crisps, turnovers, applesauce, apple butter, and just eat them fresh out of the box!

The Rainier Lions Club would like you to know that Camp Leo for Children with Diabetes will benefit from their Fuji Apple Sales this year.  Camp Leo was established in 1990.  You can read about Camp Leo in the links below.

Kids talking about attending Camp Leo:


Address67404 WA-410, Enumclaw, WA 98022

Camp Leo Youtube RhapsodyVideo:


“Camp Leo is dedicated to enriching the lives of those affected by Type 1 Diabetes through programs that inspire, empower, educate, and promote community. Our vision is that every person with Type 1 Diabetes is empowered to live life to their fullest potential. ”

Remember to order your Orchard Fresh Fuji Apples TODAY!

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Rainier Lions Club's 27th Annual Fuji Apple Sale

Rainier Lions Club's 27th Annual Fuji Apple Sale

Washington Fuji Apples
40-pound box

Order by September 30th!

 To Order:  Please call Lion Linda Lazelle at:  360-446-2974 
Fruit cannot be guaranteed to be delivered without prepayment.  
Payment can be sent to Rainier Lions Club, PO Box 1033, Rainier, WA 98576
You will be called before apples arrive at the Rainier Chapel Parking lot for pick up.

Proceeds benefit Camp Leo for Children with Diabetes and other Lions projects.

Apple Pie

Apple Sauce

Apple for the Teacher

Caramel Apples

Waldorf Salad

Baked Apples

Share a box with a friend

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Rainier Lions Club Agenda for August 27, 2018

August 27, 2018   
Rainier Chapel 5:30 – 7:00 PM
(gather 5:30, dinner 6:00)

“Point Our Pride In The Right Direction”

                        Agenda- General/Board Meeting
KL Jill Wilkinson– Pledge and Prayer
Lion Dawn Kenney:  Tail Twisting
Peaches, Pears and Nectarines- How did the project go.  Total raised-Lion Evan treasurer. (Lion Pia chair)

Blue Grass Festival—08/24-26/18 How did the project go.  (Lion Evan chair)

Beer Garden this Fall-Status--who would chair.  Need license approval.  Possible location Eagles outside of Rainier.

Fuji Apples – Lion Linda chair.  In October.  Sales start immediately.  Lions contacting last year’s customers and taking new customer calls.

Dictionary Project – Lion Terri chair.  (Lion Sandy, Art, and Fran deliver?)  Lion Linda ordering dictionaries.  Hopefully, schedule for September delivery to students.

Sight Testing of Children -  Lion Evan Status

Taking Club Pictures – Lion Sandy

Youth Exchange – Gabi, KL Jill’s daughter went to Italy in July through the Lion’s Youth Exchange.  Invite Gabi to come and give presentation about her trip in September.

Next meeting September 10 and/or 24. 

Friday, August 10, 2018

Rainier Lions Club Agenda for August 13, 2018

General/Board Meeting

August 13, 2018   
Rainier Chapel 5:30 – 6:30 PM

Agenda- General/Board Meeting
Ms. Lion Jill Wilkinson – Pledge, Songs, and Prayer
Lion Dawn Kenney:  Tail Twisting
Road Clean-Up – August 4th—How’d it go?  (let Lion Linda
know if volunteered and how long).
Peaches, Pears, and Nectarines- Status-Fruit to be delivered on August 18th at 10:00 at Rainier Chapel. After 8/13 meeting contact customers about Fruit arriving!  Lion Terri - 8th grade volunteers?  Lion Pia has a master list of individual orders.  Lion Fran working on getting boxes for half orders. Lions Linda, Bernice, Fran, Pia, Evan, and Cherie contacted last year’s customers. Lion Evan handled sales to Clubs (we need to start sales earlier next year, probably March)  Sales lower this year.

Blue Grass Festival—08/24-26/18 (Lion Evan)-Burger Den-  Valley Heart Men’s Group.  Bev Jolley has posters made up last year w/Lion info-get from her. Who will pick up and bring to Park?  Lions wearing ID clothing item?  Maybe campaign for male Lions?  Sign up for selling shirts, etc and corn feeds every night.  Delivery of Concession Trailer and Corn.  Who will be in parade?  Reporter scheduled for interview with Lion Evan and will be here at 11 for parade.  Autumn status of court?

Beer Garden this Fall-Status--who would chair?  Need license approval.  Eagles outside of Rainier.

Apples – Lion Linda chair.  In October.  Sales start soon.

Transfer – Lion Chris Beck is transferring to Lacey Mid-Day Lions Club.

Rainier Community Gardens – 1st Tues RHS
Senior Center Lunch – Mon & Wed Noon $3.00 per person
City Council – 2nd & 4th Tues 7 PM
Rainier Community Cares – 2nd Thurs 5 – 7 Rainier Chapel
Sportsman’s Club – 1st Mon 7 PM
City Council – 2nd & 4th Tues 7 PM
Rainier Food Bank – Wed & Sat 9 – 12 Noon
Valley Heart Breakfast – Last Saturday of the month 9 – 11 AM Free

LERC – 2nd Monday 9-12
08/18-Peaches Pears and Nectarines delivered at Rainier Chapel Parking Lot.   After 8/13 meeting contact customers about Fruit arriving!

08/24-26/18-Rainier Blue Grass Festival, Wilkowski Park, Rainier
10/25-27-MD19 Lions Annual Convention, Whistler BC see Linda

New Member Orientation Webinar Al Hedstrom Third Monday of every month, 7 to 8 PM, If questions about link email Al Hedstrom [lional@hedstrom.ws]

Pledge of Allegiance                    
I Pledge Allegiance                       
To The Flag
Of The United States Of America
And To The Republic
For Which It Stands
One Nation
Under God,
With Liberty
And Justice
For All.

America                                      O Canada
My country 'tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty
Of thee I sing;
Land where my father’s died,
Land of the Pilgrim's pride,
From every mountainside
Let freedom ring.

My native country, thee,
Land of the noble free,
Thy name I love;
I love thy rocks and rills,
Thy woods and templed hills,
My heart with rapture fills
Like that above.
O Canada! Our home and
    native land
True patriot love in all thy
    son’s command.
With glowing hearts we see
    thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide, O Canada,
We stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land, glorious
    and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard
    for thee; O Canada,
    we stand on guard for thee.

Where Lions meet be present Lord,
And fill our hearts with one accord.
To do thy will, Lord make us strong
To aid the weak and right the wrong.  Amen.

“Point Our Pride In The Right Direction”

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

We Love Rainier, WA Order Form 2018

If you want to order items to support "We Love Rainier, WA" you can order on the form below.
Bring your form and payment to Rainier City Hall or Main Street Cookie Store or email a copy
of your form to George Sharp at:  gsharp@thurstonedc.com

Road Clean-up 8/4/18

Rainier Lions are going to do road & trash pickup on 8/4/18 at 9 AM, be there at 8:30 AM, if anybody wants to help clean up the park.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Flyer for the 26th Annual Bluegrass Festival 2018

Come & Join us for fun at the 26th Annual Bluegrass Festival in Rainier, WA!

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Rainier School Supply Drive 2018

Here is the flyer for the coats, shoes and school supplies. We are also looking for donations of coats, shoes, school supplies and money. There is a collection box at city hall and a jar for money donation in their office. We will be collecting until August 3rd.

Supplies needed:

We can always use backpacks,




colored pencils,

notebook paper,

composition books, rulers,


glue sticks,

post-it notes, erasers,



dry erase markers,

thumb drives,


scissors - children's and adults,

pencil boxes, and pencil pouches.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Mason Bee House Instructions

Mason Bees

Unlike Honey Bees, Mason Bees will fly in the rain to collect pollen and food for themselves and their future young.  This is a never-ending chore for Mason Bees.

If you have any problem attracting Mason Bees, you can buy them from your local nursery,
like Gordon's Garden Center in Yelm, or Crown Bee's in Woodinville.

Mason Bees thrive in a clean environment.  They also need a little sunlight and a secure place for their hive/house, so it won't swing around in the wind.

The size of the holes that Mason Bees use is 5/16".  This is extremely important.

Scientific Information:

  • Mason Bees emerge from the nest in early spring and mate.
  • The male bees die off.
  • Female bees gather pollen and return to the hive/house.
  • Females deposit pollen at the back of each hole in the hive/house and lay eggs near the pollen.
  • Females then seal the egg and food supply in with mud or clay.
  • This process is repeated until the hole is completely filled.
  • The depth of the hole determines how many eggs can be deposited in the hole, as well as the male/female ratio of the bees.
  • Male eggs are deposited in the front of the hive/house, so they are the first to emerge in the spring.
How to Clean Your Mason Bee House:

The most popular way is to put paper sleeves in your Mason Bee House.  These can be replaced each spring after the bees emerge.

We use plastic straws in our area, as wasps will chew through paper sleeves and destroy the baby bees in the hives.  You can line the plastic straws with parchment paper.  Just wrap small pieces of parchment paper around a pencil and slip the pieces into the straws.  You can clean out the straws and replace the sleeves after the bees come out in the spring.

Place your Mason Bee Hive/HOuse facing east.  This way they will get the morning sun.

Make sure there is mud or clay nearby.  It needs to be within 100 yards of their house, so they can easily seal in their eggs and food supply.

Mason Bees will pollinate any type of flowering plant.  Five (5) Mason Bees will do the pollination of a whole hive of honey bees.

Mason Bees are native to the Pacific Northwest.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

We Love Rainier Washington!

There's a new group in town.  "We Love Rainier Washington".  Over 24 people showed up at the first meeting they had at City Hall last month.  People are very excited about the changes happening in our city.  You're welcome to join our group on Facebook and you will find out when our meetings are being held as well as what we're planning on our FB page:   

There are many wonderful ideas for fun changes that are coming to Rainier.  

  • One idea is to update the name of the Yelm Tenino (Tenino - Yelm) trail to the "TRY" Trail.  Tenino, Rainier, Yelm.  
  • Charmagne Garrison ordered some solar lights to put in trees in along the TRY Trail.
  • The men at the Public Works Department are going to clean up the trail south of Brogan's shop to make it safer to travel on.  
  • Monarch Sculpture Park is going to put some of their metal art along the trail in the greater Rainier area.
  • Cheryl Turner put red, white and blue flowers out in the planters and in front of Turner Automotive.  She is encouraging all of the businesses in town to put out flowers as well.  Joycelyn (Main Street Cookies) and Bo Foster are helping Cheryl with the flowers.
  • The Public Works Department has cleaned up the weeds along the curbs and in the parking strip along Hwy 507.  They've also mowed in some of the ditches along 507 and in other parts of town.
  • The Rainier Lions are going to build a concession stand north of the basketball court.

There are many more projects and wonderful ideas for changes that people want to see happen in Rainier.  Please feel free to bring your thoughts and ideas to our next meeting.  The time and date will be announced soon.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Rainier Lions Announces Sponsorship of 2 Rainier Area Children for Camp Leo (Children With Diabetes)

Families that agree to volunteer with at least 2 Rainier Lions activities will be considered first!! 

To find out more, come to our meeting at Rainier Chapel (6:30 p.m.), on March 26, 2018, to hear Lions Representative Lonzell Johnson give you information about the Camp Leo (Children With Diabetes) coming this spring/summer!  Safe and secure place where children and teens can meet others with diabetes who can share their experiences and your child will learn new diabetes management skills and health habits.  At Camp Leo, diabetes is the norm, not the exception!  Camp Location:  Enumclaw, Washington Target Age:  7-18 years. Volunteers Needed.
Specific Condition/Diagnoses:  Type 1 Diabetes
Camp Dates: 
JFamily Camp is April 21, 2018 
JTeen Leadership Training is April 27-29, 2018
JHigh School Camp July 8-14, 2018
JJunior High School (8th/9th Camp is July 17-22, 2018