Monday, March 18, 2013

Rainier Lions Club Board Meeting Minutes for 3-11-2013

Rainier Lions Club
Board Meeting  03-11-2013

Attending:  George & Linda Johnson, Evan Burnett, Art Runyan, Bernice Beck, Kay Bryant, Brenda Flaherty, Shirley, Julia & Bud Green, Rodney Mitchell. (Linda L. came before the meeting and dropped items off befor the meeting.  She has another function to attend and gave us advance notice.  She has an excused absence for both the board and regular meeting.)

George starts meeting at 6:07

Officers for this coming year:

(George has the list.  Only changes to the list:  Ron Lind will be Lion Tamer.  Linda J will chair the Fuji Apple fundraiser this coming year. List is on the desk top.)

Contact Mineral Lake Lions about getting a gift certificate for the school fundraising auction.
Our silent auction on April 27, 2013.  Have a virtual auction on the blog and through the MD-19 newsletter.  Linda J. will post the articles on the items and run the auction.

There was a vote on all members being able to vote on how the money is spent.  The vote was carried unanimously. 

Voting on meals:  How is the potluck doing?  Several choices were presented.  This has been tabled until next week, while people think about them.

Boy Scout troop is being charted by the RLC.  It was voted on and passed unanimously.  Evan Burnett will be the scout master.

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