Dear Lion,
Formulas and equations play an important part in our lives. They are
powerful tools - a road map to success -- that make many things possible and
others, simply easier. According to Einstein, the simple formula, e=mc2
describes the workings of the entire universe. I may not be a Nobel
Prize-winning physicist, but I also have a formula, one that I know works based
on 27 years as a Lion:
Dedication + Preparation + Teamwork = Excellence
is each individual Lion's dedication to service which is abundant but needs
nurturing and growth. We need to continue expanding our service to take on new
challenges, such as through the new Reading Action Program (RAP).
is planning and the self-evaluation included in what I am calling "pit
stops" like those in an automobile race.
involves making connections at the international level, the club level and
interpersonal level, especially working in harmony with the Global Leadership
Team and Global Membership Team.
Having a plan and a road map makes us more effective and efficient by
taking the guesswork and trial-and-error out of our quest for excellence.
The Club Excellence Award and the
District Governor Team Excellence Award are also
tools that can eliminate uncertainty and point your club or district in the
right direction. Each have criteria that, if achieved, will lead you to
I hope
that you use all the tools available to you to their fullest as we pursue
excellence together as Lion leaders.
Wayne A.
Madden International President
Action Program |
I am proud that one of my first acts as international president was
to cement an alliance between Lions Clubs International and the
U.S. Agency for International
that will help improve the literacy of 100 million children in developing
nations by 2015. A memorandum of understanding was signed at the international
convention in Busan, Korea, that creates a powerful partnership based on common
goals. USAID, like LCI, believes that literacy is critical for all children and
will help create a more stable and prosperous future for all.
start now to prepare your clubs and districts for participation in Lions
worldwide literacy initiative, the Reading Action Program. See Reading Action
Program for information and project
ideas for donating books, promoting reading and helping the world fight
illiteracy. Each club that conducts a RAP
project will receive a special RAP banner patch. In addition, a district
governor reporting at least 50 percent club participation will receive a Reading
Action Program Award.
To help publicize what you are doing in a fun way,
I hope to also see as many "RAP" videos
as possible, and I
look forward to seeing the top entry at the international convention in Hamburg.
Media |
Lions never
sleep. With 46,000 Lions clubs circling the globe there is always a Lion
somewhere doing something that is vitally important to their community. I hope
that you will join me in celebrating our service by helping to create a
real-time document that will show the world the enormity of our impact. Post
your club's activities on Twitter and retweet
activities from fellow Lions around the world. You may also post photos on a special
section of the LCI Web site.
Service Action Campaign
This month's
Global Service Action Campaign, Engaging Our Youth, is well
underway. Please remember that this is an ideal time to help create the next
generation of Lion leaders by involving Leos and other young people in service
activities.There is still time to plan and carry out additional activities. See
Engaging our
Youth project ideas and report
your activities using the Lions Club Service Activity Report.
Officers |
Pit Stop 1
Take a
good look at your club. That's the first step toward achieving excellence. Now
is the time for you to be gathering information using tools like How are Your Ratings?. The feedback
from your members will help you pinpoint the positive changes you will need to
make to improve your club's service. Members may say that a window needs to be
opened to let in some fresh air. Listen to their ideas and be flexible. Some old
ways of doing things may need to be revised or discarded. See Club Pit Stop Checklist for a full
list of things to do before the end of September.
President Meet
Presidents I intend to continue the President-meets-Presidents program
begun last year by Past International President Tam. These meetings are a
valuable opportunity for me to hear your ideas and concerns and to see
first-hand the wonderful work you are doing in your communities. I hope to meet
with as many of you as possible as I travel around the world.
Teams |
Pit Stop 1
How well
do you know the clubs in your district? To grow membership and strengthen clubs
you need to know which clubs need the most help. Find out by reviewing the Club
Health Assessment Report and the DG RECAP. Taking a close look at your district
will help pinpoint the positive changes that will be needed to help clubs
succeed. Listen to club officers, stay flexible and keep in mind that some old
ways of doing things may need to be revised or discarded. See District Pit Stop Checklist for a full
list of things to do before the end of September.
Fast Start
The race to the 2012-2013 World of Service Fast
Start Awards is a four month sprint and the first month is already past!
District governors now have less than three months to charter two new clubs or
achieve net membership growth to be recognized at the Cruising Speed level or to
charter five new clubs AND achieve positive membership growth to be recognized
at the Passing Speed level.
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