Monday, January 21, 2013

Rainier Lions Club Board Meeting Tonight

Hi Lions,

The regular board meeting will be held at the Rainier Chapel at 6:30 PM tonight.  We'll be discussing the projected budget for 2013.  Please print up the projected budget and bring it with you.  If you have any ideas or changes please let us know tonight.

We have a few items on the agenda:

Projected budget
Grapefruit sales update
Community Calendar
Cub Scouts
Changing Board Meeting date and time (having it before or after a regular meeting)

We also have a couple of NSF Christmas Tree Checks that we need to talk about.  This is the Treasurers responsibility.  I'm not sure how this is handled.  Please advise.

Here's Georges note on Cub Scouts:

Rod and I attended the meeting held last night at the Rainier Elementary School concerning the start of a cub scout pack in Rainier . The attendance seemed very promising .There will be 4 den groups by grade 1st, 2nd,3rd,  fourth and fifth combined . They will meet three times each month  with a pack meeting  held on the last Tuesday of every month . The pack number will be 307 same as the school district . There seemed to be  a lot of excitement.

For those of you that did not attend Monday nights meeting a vote was held and unanimously approved  that our club will be the charter partner for the pack supervising it’s operation .


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