Saturday, March 26, 2016

Veterans Resource Fair 2016

If you can help or know of a Resource that would like to attend contact Cathy Hennie 360-951-8182.

We are looking for vendors that offer work, help or services to veterans. Also post this on your blogs to get the word out to as many veterans as possible.
Chris Beck, AL Rainier Post 264 e-board member.

Chris Beck Insurance
(360-791-8540 cell
(360)458-4545 office
(360)458-3777 fax

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Good Friday Service at Valley Heart Church

You're invited to Valley Heart Assembly of God for GOOD FRIDAY SERVICES:

    Address: 11318 Vail Cut Off Rd SE, Rainier, WA 98576

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Rainier Lions Club Regular Meeting – March 14, 2016

Regular Meeting – March 14, 2016

Attendance:  President Evan Burnett, Linda Lazelle, Tom and Bobbie Cook, Bernice and Chris Beck,    Riley Whitney – RHS Scholarship Applicant, parents Robert and Tamara Hanna.

Bobbie Cook provided the Lions Treasurer’s Reports for the Administrative Account & Activities Account.

Rainier High School Senior and Lion’s Club Scholarship applicant Riley Whitney introduced his parents, than told us why he is applying for a scholarship.  Riley is a running start student at South Puget Sound Community College.  Upon graduation from RHS, Riley will have his Associate’s degree and has already been accepted to Central Washington University, Ellensburg.  

From there Riley plans to transfer and continue his educational goal – agricultural law – at a college or university in Idaho eventually returning to western Washington.  Riley had been in 4-H, now is active in FFA and has extensive experience working with animals, farming, etc. 

Riley has helped the Rainier Lions with the Grapefruit project, Caroling for Cans and will help with Highway Clean-up in April.

Chris is working on planter boxes to donate to the Rainier Education Foundation auction (March 26, 2016 starting at 3:30 PM) and is in contact with John Lybecker, wood and metal shop instructor at the Rainier Schools.

Bernice will have a basket put together for the MD19 C Spring Convention Silent Auction to be held April 1-2 at the Red Lion in Olympia
Officer Nominations for 2016-2017:  Tom Cook, President; Chris Beck, Vice-President; Treasurer, Bobbie Cook.  Positions needing to be filled include Secretary, Lion Tamer, Tail Twister and Membership Chair. 

The newly formed Budget Committee will report to the members at the April 25th meeting.Snacks and food for the Rainier Students was discussed.  Chris offered to talk to Tim Garchow at the school and Juliette Pia to see what the needs are.  Tom made a motion for a $200 limit for food purchase until more is known. Motion was seconded and carried.

Chris asked for a letter from RLC to present to the Safeway manager asking for apples, etc.
Lions Sight and Hearing Van will be at the Rainier Elementary School Tuesday, March 29.  We need to be there by 8:30 AM.  Tom, Bobbie, Linda Lazelle, Bernice and Chris are on the list to help so far.
The Rainier HS Top 5 Dinner is scheduled at Emma’s in Yelm May 11th.

Evan reminded us of upcoming events – Spanapark Lions Bowling Fundraiser Sunday, March 20th; Tacoma SE Lions Potato Bake fundraiser April 9, 1-5 PM and the REF dinner auction March 26.
Leader Dogs sent a request for the annual donation.

April 11th at 7 PM is a Blackwood Legacy concert scheduled at the Rainier Chapel.  All agreed to cancel our general meeting and for those interested, can attend the concert. 

Board meeting Monday, March 21, will be held at Emma’s, Yelm, 6 PM.

Rainier High School student Zachary Miller, RLC scholarship applicant, will be a guest at our Monday, March 28 meeting.

Meeting adjourned.
Bernice Beck

Secretary, Rainier Lions Club