Sunday, September 30, 2012
Rainier Lions Club Taking Fuji Apples Orders
40-pound boxes of Fuji apples for $30.00
Pre-orders are required and will be accepted until Monday, October 15, 2012. Delivery will be later in the month.
To order call:
Linda at (360) 446-2974 or
Shirley at (253) 380-7660
Thank you for supporting our local community.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
How to Join a Lions Club
Original Article
The Lions Club is a worldwide volunteer organization that provides for humanitarian needs. They are well known for their service to the blind or vision-impaired. Lions Club members enjoy helping people and making a difference in their community. If you would like to be a part of this group, then follow these steps to join a Lions Club.
- 1Look in your local telephone directory or online to find a Lions Club in your area. If you can't find one, fill out a prospective member form on the Lions Club website and you will be forwarded information about a Lions Club in your area.
- 2Contact your local Lions Club and tell them you are interested in becoming a member. Ask them when you can attend a meeting to find out more information.
- 3Attend the Lions Club meeting and, if you decide you'd like to join, ask a member for an application. Membership is granted through invitation by a club. Ask a member to provide you with an application form.
- 4Submit your application form and wait for a response. There are membership dues you must pay in order to join.
- 5Plan to have a rewarding time participating in activities. Some of them are providing supplies and help to victims of natural disasters, cleaning up parks, building homes for the disabled and providing services for youth.
- 1
Tips & Warnings
- The Lions Club was started in 1917 by Chicago businessman Melvin Jones. He thought that neighborhood business clubs should add more interests for the betterment of their communities.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Lions Measles Initiative Update from Nepal
The second phase of Nepal's measles-rubella vaccination campaign began on September 17, and the Lions of Nepal are once again working to ensure that the children of their country are immunized. — Nepalese Lions Serve Again (9 photos)
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Information from LCI on Membership Retention...
We have something new from International. Great inf. on Membership,
Retention and much more for our clubs.
Club Presidents & Secretaries, please share this with your Membership
& Retention Chairs.
For those that need a little help please read this article (of course this
article is for everyone also). Lots and lots of good information on Membership
and Retention.
Hopefully you will find this information helpful if you are putting
together a new Membership & Retention Program or are "tweaking" the one you
already have.
Our District Governor's Cabinet also has a Membership & Retention
Chair(s) in our Zone. If you need assistance they are ready to assist. Just
let us know.
Thanks. ZC Dee
Lacey Midday Lions Fund-raiser November 3, 2012
Serving Project New Hope WA & Our Scholarship Program
2nd Annual Fall
Wine Tasting Party 2012
Saturday, November 3, 2012
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Medicine Creek Winery • 947 Old Pacific Hwy. SE •
Olympia, WA
Live Dance Music Silent Auction and Raffles
Red & White Wines Chocolate, Cheeses & Crackers
5 Tastes $30.00
To Purchase Tickets Contact:
Plan a Lions “Sharing the Vision” Project for October
Original Article
SEPTEMBER 21, 2012
by lionsclubsorg
Plan community activities and projects in connection with World Sight Day,recognized this year on Oct. 11, to raise awareness about the importance of healthy vision and the causes of vision loss. Let’s make a difference in our local and global communities!
Here are a few “Sharing the Vision” project ideas to get you started:
- Work with local eye care professionals to organize an eye health and safety presentation for school children.
- Arrange recreational activities, such as bowling, fishing or swimming, for visually impaired people in your community.
- Sponsor a Braille exhibit at your local library.
- Volunteer at a rehabilitation or vocational training center for the blind or visually impaired.
- Organize a vision screening event or eyeglass recycling campaign in your community.
- Organize a community “sight walk” to raise funds in support of your nearest Lions camp for children who are blind and visually impaired.
- Volunteer at a local eye bank or a Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center.
- Volunteer to read books and periodicals for blind and visually impaired persons.
- Send collected eyeglasses to the nearest Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center.
Visit the “Sharing the Vision” page to learn more. Or, find additional info on all of the Lions global service action campaigns.
Lions club sponsors two to Young Life camp
Contributed photo
From left: Joe Spatola; Christina Kinman, Young Life volunteer leader at Flagler College; and Robert West. Spatola and West are FSDB students.
Special to The Record
Two local youth were able to participate in a recent Young Life camp, thanks to the efforts of the St. Augustine.
Lions Club. The two, Joe Spatola and Chance Jackson were part of a group of 550 youth attending from throughout the United States, including 24 from the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind. The local boys, both of whom are sight impaired, were recipients of scholarships provided by the local Lions Club.
This camping experience was the first for both, Don Lohr, Young Life volunteer team leader, explained in a report to the local Lions Club membership. “Neither boy would have been able to attend camp without the financial aid of The Lions Club,” Lohr wrote.
Joe lives in Flagler Estates, and Chance is a resident of south St. Augustine.
Joe, Lohr noted, was “able to experience fun like he had never experienced. I was personally able to spend a lot of time with Joe, and talk to him about life, his future, and goals, during the week. Joe said on the way back, that camp was one of the best weeks of his life.”
Lohr describes Chance as “an amazing young man. He is a natural born leader. Chance is striving to be the class valedictorian for FSDB, in 2013. He loves to study and get good grades. He had never been to any camps before. He only started to attend Young Life at FSDB during the last few weeks of last semester.”
Lohr told the Lions members that Chance “helped so much with the two boys in wheelchairs” in every phase of camp life. “By challenging Chance to help me with the other kids during the week, it gave him an opportunity to serve others, and exercise his natural leadership skills. He responded amazingly, and did above and beyond what I could have imagined.
“On our last day of camp, he challenged some sighted kids and leaders from other areas of the country to try and walk around camp, blind folded, with his cane, so that they could experience how it felt to be blind! The other kids loved the experience and were lining up to have a chance to try it out. It was a brilliant idea of his, and provided a wonderful opportunity for others to be able to put themselves in another’s’ shoes. It was a great experience for all of the camp to witness.
“Please know that truly neither of these boys would have been able to attend camp without the generous support of The Lions,” Lohr concluded in his report. “I can truly say that this camp experience has set the stage for both of these boys to grow, mature and know that they do matter, they are loved, and that they are special kids, with gifts, talents and the ability to succeed.”
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Lions Awareness Week
Lions Awareness Week
Lions Clubs throughout New Zealand will,the week starting Sunday 7th October, hold a 'Lions Awareness Week' where local lions members will be involved in many community projects.
These may involve club displays in shop windows, community fund raising BBQs, activities with other local organisations in shopping malls, spring clean ups at local parks & beaches, working with the visually impaired through our spectacle recycling project and generally being good citizens.
Should you like to be part of this and other Lions activities contact your nearest Lions Club (there are over 350 in New Zealand) or email executiveofficer@lionsclubs.or
Photo taken from Lions International "Rockin' the Vest"
Free Professional Family Photo - September 30, 2012
George talked to Bambi, from Victory Baptist Church this week. She gave him a flyer about:
September 30, 2012
Bring the family for a free Professional Photo
Sunday school starts at 10:00 AM
Church starts at 11:00 AM
Call for A Ride:
(360) 480-0003
(360) 955-3668
206 Olympia St. W
Rainier, WA 98576
Fundraising for Measles
Next month is the
one-year anniversary of the Gates Foundation Challenge Grant.
Have you or your club participated
in any fundraising activities?
District Governor Cathy Garcia of District 4-C5 (California, USA) decided that she would shave her head to raise funds for the
cause to eliminate measles around the globe. District Lions could cast a vote
for Cathy to either "Shave" or "Save" her hair for a minimum donation of US$10
per individual and US$100 per club.
Together, they raised US$2,340 for One Shot,
One Life: Lions Measles Initiative and Cathy did not have to shave her
may be
featured on the LCIF blog!
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Lions Leadership 101 - Saturday, October 27, 2012
Saturday, 27
October 2012 .
8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Lions Club
123 Rainier
Ave N 360-832-3202
Club Meetings
Effectively with People
Retention, Renewal
You’re invited to explore and experience valuable tools and
resources as we introduce you to the basics of Lions leadership. This course is
an excellent opportunity to refresh outdated skill sets and introduce you to
new skill sets that can be used throughout Lions as well as other life
opportunities. Please complete the
registration form on next page.
The course is facilitated by senior Lions from neighboring
Cost: $35 per person Make checks out to “Lions Zone 19C”.
Costs includes
all course materials, lunch, and coffee/tea.
Contact: 19C Leadership Chair Sharon Sikes or 360-918-1078
19C Leadership 101 Registration Form
Advance registration and payment
required, no refunds after 5:00 October 26.
To register,
complete this form and mail it with your $35 (cash or check) payment to:
Sharon Sikes
Project Management Solutions
Leadership Chair
Piperhill Dr SE
WA 98513
Eatonville Lions Club
123 Rainier Ave N
Eatonville, WA
Cost: $35 which includes course materials,
continental breakfast and lunch. If
paying by check: MD19-C Lions; in the
memo space – 19C Leadership 101.
materials will be available the first day of class.
Sign in the
day of the class begins at 8:00am.
City, State, Zip:___________________________________________________________
Home Phone:_____________________________________________________________
Cell Phone: ______________________________________________________________
Name of your Lions Club:___________________________________________________
Current Lions Leadership
Past Lions Leadership
Special Dietary
Rainier Lions Club Minutes September 24, 2012
Minutes 09/24/2012
Attending: Brenda Flaherty, Bernice Beck, Kay Bryant, George & Linda Johnson, Shirley Gibson,
Ron Lind, Evan Burnett, Rodney Mitchell, Victoria Fanton
Visitation Guests: PDG John Doyle & his wife, Marleen, Connie Orne (Rodney Mitchel's Friend)
Apple Update: Ron has about 20 orders, Linda Lazelle 32, Bernice Beck 5 or 6.
Roof Raising: Roy is having a fundraising dinner October 6, 2012. There is a $10 donation
for the Laz. dinner.
Club Excellence Project: Help clubs get stronger
1. Why we are doing this.
2. What is an excellent Club
3. Review survey results
4. Set Goals
George will send out the information on this program to see if our group is interested in
doing this, as this will take at least 4.5 hours.
Kay presentation on H2O at home. Kay is ad visor #704. Her website is located at: Please feel free to email Kay with questions about her product line
Saving money while cleaning your home without chemicals. H2O at home has three categories of products:
- Body care
- Fragrance
- Cleaning
She first showed us an industrial handle for the mop with a sprayer in the handle. The mop has 3 different types of mop heads: dust, worker & scrubber.
Microfiber duster is flexible. The handle extends.
Microfiber cloths. Three different types. Scrubber, cleaner and fine for windows and glass.
Magic Glove: Get wet and clean what ever you want.
All in one Clay power - compressed clay powder. Cleans everything.
Laundry Ball. The beads changes the ph in the water to clean you clothes without chemicals.
(Dryer sheets are toxic and very bad for your health) Beads last for 18 months. Should last
1000 loads. There is no fragrance. Put the ball in the sun for 3 hours once a month to reactivate the ball.
Pre-treatment of heavily soiled clothing: Netta Pure Soap -
Oxy-Pure: For pre-treatment of stains.
Static from dryer. If you dry your clothes too long - you'll still get static. Do not overdry.
Dish soap - no bubbles. Spray or pump.
- Kay Bryant
- Cell: (360)701-5730
Evan Burnett: Cataract surgery update: The surgery the Rainier Lions and NW Lions Foundation is providing for one of our local citizens will be on Thursday. He will have a follow up visit with his surgeon on Friday. Evan will visit him on Saturday and check up on him. NW Lions will pay his bill. We will reimburse NW Lions Institute for 50% of the cost of the surgery.
George: This is what the White Canes Day Funds helps pay for. (Why we donate to NW Lions Foundation.)
We need to find out when Rainier Elementary School wants us to deliver dictionaries to the third graders. I will email Gene Cinkovitch to have him make arrangements with the school. I will also contact Bev Jolley to find out if she'd like to go with us to deliver the dictionaries again this year.
John Doyle: Thank you for all you do for your community. It's wonderful to come and have such a great
reception. Thank you for all your support. We worked on our project for 3 years. It was a success.
You don't have to do the Club Excellence project - in one block of time - but if you're interested in
this project - contact Sharon Sikes. She has alot of information on this project. Our club is well on
the road to excellence. (He shared a story about a cataract surgery their club provided. There is a
physician in Federal Way who will do these surgeries for Lions for $1800 per eye - including anathesia,
prep and the whole nine yards. These surgeries are scheduled on Wednesday at the end of the day.)
Their clubs Soup Frenzy, silent auction and dessert spree will be held this coming Saturday September 29th from 5 to 8 Pm at the AMVETS HALL. 5717 South Tyler Street in Tacoma WA 98409. Come out for an evening of fun and fellowship.
John shared about an experience where he was blindfolded. Their group turned him around until he became disoriented and had him try to go through an obstacle course. It was difficult trying to go through the course, but it was fun. They were raising funds for the NW Lions Foundation.
Apple Packers: bring your gloves! We'll be there having fun! We help other clubs pack apples when we're
finished picking our apples. Some people were dissatisfied with the pears, as they molded.
Marlene: Silent Auction tickets - premade baskets. Dinner is $8.00 per person; children under 4 are free. Desserts are not included in the meal. The desserts are chosen by table. The tables that have the most donations - get to choose their dessert first. Questions? Contact Sheila Pearce (253) 906-6132.
Scholarship Application - we may need to shift our focus from senior to juniors - so we'll get more
applicants. Evan made a motion to change from 1 community activity to 3 activities. Victoria seconded the motion. The motion was carried by 100% of attendees. Applicants need to be involved in 3 Rainier Lions Club community activities from the time they are freshman through their senior year in order to qualify for The Becky Waldren Memorial Scholarship.
Victoria Fanton read from George Washington's Rules of Civility: #76. Don't point your finger when you're talking to someone. (summary)
Victoria talked to Young Life about the apples.
Meeting was adjourned.
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