Friday, September 21, 2012

LCIF Meets Needs Worldwide

Dear Lion,

Throughout this month, I have enjoyed meeting many of you at the annual Lions forums. While I was in New Zealand for the ANZI forum, I had the honor of opening a transitional community facility at St. 

Albans in the city of Christchurch. This facility will support the ongoing needs of a community that was impacted by the earthquakes in 2010 and 2011. It was inspiring to see the hard work and the generous donations of Lions result in this project that will help so many people. This is what Lions do so well - we help people in need all over the world.

When Hurricane Isaac flooded parts of the United States, I was proud to know that many Lions made donations and supported relief efforts for this disaster. The same is true for the typhoons in MD300 Taiwan, Japan and Korea, as well as the flooding in the Philippines. Because of you, Lions can help these communities affected by disasters.

I am excited to share with you some of the other amazing things that Lions are doing through our Foundation. Just last month, LCIF awarded grants that expand Lions' efforts towards blindness prevention. SightFirst grants will treat diabetic retinopathy, equip hospitals, provide cataract surgeries and promote targeted eye health initiatives.

At the same time, Lions are expanding their support for youth through Lions Quest. The program is now in 72 countries, reaching more students than ever. Through grants awarded last month, students all over the world are learning important life skills, like how to deal with problems in school, avoid substance abuse and treat each other with respect.

In addition to Lions Quest and SightFirst projects, Lions continue to meet needs worldwide through the One Shot, One Life: Lions Measles Initiative. We are close to meeting our goal of raising US$10 million for measles to meet the Gates Foundation challenge grant. With each dollar raised, we can vaccinate a child against measles. With each vaccination, a child will not have to experience measles or its side effects - including blindness, and even death. I believe that as Lions, together we can make a difference.


Wing-Kun Tam
Chairperson, Lions Clubs International Foundation

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