Thursday, January 30, 2014

What Science Says About Marijuana

Join us for an evening with Dr. Jason Kilmer from the University of Washington

Do you have questions about the affects of marijuana on your health?  Attention?  Memory? Driving ability?

This event is free to anyone wishing to attend.  Refreshments provided between 5:30 - 6:00 PM


  1. Go to  
  2. Click on MyESD
  3. Click on Feb tab
  4. Register for Science and Marijuana
or email Jan Hansen at

Or call Jan Hansen at:  (360) 464-6870

Girl Scouts told: That's the way the cookie crumbles.

Today I read an article by BOB UNRUHtitled "WHAT!? A boycott of Girl Scout cookies?"

Apparently the Pope is asking the public to boycott Girl Scout Cookies.  Reading this article, one would think that the answer is to support an American Heritage Girls Troop.  I wish the answer was that simple.

Our judicial system doesn't dispense justice, it dispenses legalities.  The US Supreme Court Justices legalized abortion.  That doesn't mean that all  American citizens agree with their decision, or think it's right.  Should we boycott our nations judicial system because we disagree?   Or should we lead our children by our example and privately state our opinions, while we raise our children to be thoughtful, responsible and compassionate people?

The Rainier Lions Club, The Cowboy Church & Bucket Line Ministries all tried to sponsor an American Heritage Girls troop in Rainier.  We had many girls and families interested in the troop.  In fact, we were told by someone in the American Heritage Girls leadership that we had the "go ahead," so our parents bought uniforms; our girls earned patches and started a troop.  

The sponsorship cost $325.00 every year.  We went back and forth – working relentlessly with the leadership of American Heritage Girls – only to have our troop of girls denied.  First the Cowboy Church in McKenna was turned down.  Then the Rainier Lions Club and finally the Bucket Line Ministries were turned down.  The leadership of American Heritage Girls refused every group that offered to sponsor our troop.  

What's a parent to do?

The AHG uniforms and American Heritage patches, books etc. couldn't be refunded, so they were donated to charity.  This was a bittersweet event for our girls, parents and leadership in Rainier, who did everything in their power to bring American Heritage Girls to Rainier.  The leadership of Girl Scout Troop #40117, in Rainier invited our former American Heritage Girls to join their troop.  

The leadership in our Girl Scout Troop is very involved in doing wholesome activities with the girls in their troop.  Their activities made Halloween in the Park in 2013 a wonderful, inspiring and fun event.  The ‘almost’ American Heritage Girls, who ended up joining the Girl Scout Troop #40117 in Rainier are very pleased with the support, leadership and activities they participate in.   

Involving every Girl Scout in the controversy of abortion is unconscionable.  Most of these girls are young children. They have a right to their childhood.  As for me, I already bought Girl Scout Cookies from Autumn, who made a presentation at our Rainier Lions Club last Monday night.   

Scout Troops (Cub, Boy & Girl) can now accept direct donations.  If you trust the leadership and value the children of the troop in your area, you can donate directly to the troop, in lieu of buying cookies.   

Thank you to the leaders of Girl Scout Troop #40117 for everything they do for the girls in Rainier.  

Tuesday, January 28, 2014



MEAL 6:30-7 P.M.  Spaghetti, salad, bread, milk, juice or coffee & dessert.  Julia and Bud Green brought homemade Brownie Bites and Reese's Peanut Butter Bars.  YUM! 

Pledge of Allegiance
KL George:  PRAYER

My actions are my only true belongings.” 
Thich Nhat Hanh

There are two primary choices in life. To accept conditions as they exists or accept the responsibility for changing them.” 
 Denis Waitley

“I have not failed, I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
 Tomas Edison

Attending were:  Tami Clark, Nadine W., Teri & Bill Rendahl, Dawn Kenney (+Matt, John & Autumn), Bud & Julia Green (+Damion & Gracie), Bernice & Chris Beck, Shirley Gibson, Evan Burnett, Linda & George Johnson. 

KL George Johnson:
Guests:  Autumn Kenny

1.  Speaker:  Autumn Kenny shared about her Girl Scout Cookies Troop # 40117.  Her goal is to sell 250 boxes of cookies.  So far she's sold about 40 boxes.

2.  Budget Review & Vote
          Changes  - correction - rent to church needed to be added to expenses.

3.  Club direction 2014
            1 Year
5 Years
          10 Years

4.  Be a leader in our community.  

5.  Dinner for 5:  Evan - Dinner will be held at Mr. Doug's again this year. The menu will be build your own taco.  No host bar.

6.  Champion a new cause - Anyone who has a cause that they want to champion, please let us know, so we can get on-board.

7.  Club Officers - Suggestions so far:
          President  - Evan Burnett
          Vice President  - Bud Green
          Lion Tamer - Walt Dohring
          Tail Twister - Chris Beck

8.  Grapefruit & Visitations:  Bernice - So far we've ordered over 240 boxes of grapefruit, including 30 extras.  Last year we sold 182 1/2 boxes of grapefruit.

9.   White Cane Days - Julia will talk to Stewart's Meats to see if we can work White Cane Days there.  Bernice will make arrangements to go to Jim Bob's Restaurant again this year.

10. School REF Auction Donation.  Perhaps a gardening gift basket.

11. Planning meeting Feb 4th School Commons.

12.  Food Bank Donation - discussed in depth.  We will vote on a donation next meeting.

13.  DSHS Van at Food Bank Feb 12.

14. Tail Twister:  Earned $10.00.  The Kenney Family won a free 2014 calendar for their family.


Together:  1st & 2nd Wed 5 PM City Hall
Rainier Community Gardens 1st Monday RHS

Senior Center Lunch:  Mon & Wed at noon - $2.50 each

City Council meets 2nd & 4th Tues at 7 PM

Rainier Community Cares – 1st & 2nd Wed. @ 2nd portable by RMS

Sportsman’s Club – 1st Mon @ 7PM

City Council – 2nd & 4th Tues. @ 7 PM

Rainier Food Bank:  Wed & Sat 9 – 12 noon

Historical Soc. – 3rd Thurs. @ 6:30 PM

Valley Heart Breakfast – 4th Sat 9 – 11 AM – Free – farm fresh sausage & eggs, fresh fruit, homemade biscuits - great food!


Feb 4:  Planning Meeting School Commons

Feb 8:  Grapefruit delivery

Feb 10:  Deadline for Becky Waldron Scholarship Applicants

Feb 12:  DSHS Van at Food Bank

Support Our: Rainier Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts & Girl Scouts

Monday, January 27, 2014



MEAL 6:30-7 P.M.  Spaghetti, salad, bread, milk, juice or coffee & dessert.  Julia Green is bringing homemade dessert!

Pledge of Allegiance
KL George:  PRAYER

My actions are my only true belongings.” 
Thich Nhat Hanh

There are two primary choices in life. To accept conditions as they exists or accept the responsibility for changing them.” 
Denis Waitley

“I have not failed, I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
Tomas Edison

KL George Johnson:
Guests:  Autumn Kenny

1.  Speaker:  Autumn Kenny
2.  Budget Review & Vote
3.  Club direction 2014
            1 Year
  5 Years
          10 Years
4.  Be a leader in our community:
5.  Dinner for 5:  Evan
6.  Champion a new cause
7.  Club Officers
          Vice President
          Lion Tamer
          Tail Twister
8.  Grapefruit & Visitations:  Bernice
9.   White Cane Days
10. School REF Auction Donation?
11. Planning meeting Feb 4th School Commons
12.  Food Bank Donation
13.  DSHS Van at Food Bank Feb 12
14. Tail Twister


Together:  1st & 2nd Wed 5 PM City Hall
Rainier Community Gardens 1st Monday RHS

Senior Center Lunch:  Mon & Wed at noon - $2.50 each

City Council meets 2nd & 4th Tues at 7 PM

Rainier Community Cares – 1st & 2nd Wed. @ 2nd portable by RMS

Sportsman’s Club – 1st Mon @ 7PM

City Council – 2nd & 4th Tues. @ 7 PM

Rainier Food Bank:  Wed & Sat 9 – 12 noon

Historical Soc. – 3rd Thurs. @ 6:30 PM

Valley Heart Breakfast – 4th Sat 9 – 11 AM – Free – farm fresh sausage & eggs, fresh fruit, homemade biscuits - great food!


Feb 4:  Planning Meeting School Commons

Feb 8:  Grapefruit delivery

Feb 10:  Deadline for Becky Waldron Scholarship Applicants

Feb 12:  DSHS Van at Food Bank

Support Our: Rainier Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts & Girl Scouts

Friday, January 24, 2014

LegalShield Presentation at Rainier Senior Center

Becky P (360) 446-0295 brought Real LeBeuf, who made a presentation  for LegalShield yesterday to all of the members present at the Rainier Senior Center.  This program goes beyond what other Identity Theft resolution programs offer, because they offer a "resolution" program.  With a limited Power of Attorney, they completely resolve all aspects of identity theft, up to and including getting the credit monitoring services cleared up.  

What I found impressive about their service, is that it is affordable.  For prepaid legal services and identity theft protection the cost is just over $26.00 a month for your whole family, which includes all of your children under 21 years of age.  This includes a free will, which can be updated once a year.

Please consider LegalShield.  

For more information contact:  

Real LeBeuf    (360) 470-0362 
Sherri LeBeuf (360) 593-4999
i: (512) 404-2330 OPTION #1 Email:  


Below are the front and back copies of their pamplet as well as the inside cover.  Please feel free to call them for a complete information packet or go to their website:

Emergency PreparednessTraining

"Map Your Neighborhood" is a program designed to help neighborhoods prepare for disasters which is offered through our local Emergency Management Office.  The next session for our area is being held on:

 Tuesday, February 11, 2014

 From 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM 

Thurston County Emergency Coordination Center, Policy Room
9521 Tilley Road SW, Olympia, WA 98512

For more information visit their website at:
or contact Vivian Eason (360) 867-2825 or by email at:

Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Mittleider Gardening Course

After watching LDSprepper videos on YouTube last summer, George & I ordered the trace minerals and started using the Mittleider Gardening method.  We had very good results in the area we tested this method.  In fact, we had a bumper crop of green beans, so we will be using this method of gardening again, this year.

When I looked for Mittleider Gardening books, I found "The Mittleider Gardening Course" is very expensive.  The cost on eBay, Amazon & ranged from $45.00 - 59.00 for the paperback version, plus shipping and handling.  I did find a copy of "More Food From Your Garden" by Dr. Jacob Mittleider for under $5.00 plus shipping and handling.  I was so excited when I ordered that copy! 

Discouraged with the price of "The Mittleider Gardening Course", I did a Google search and found new copies for sale from the people at "FOOD FOR EVERYONE FOUNDATION" at:  The price of a brand new copy is $19.95 plus $5.48 S&H.  What a bargin!

For information about their products and books, contact Jim at:, or go to their website.  They are fair and they shipped our book quickly!  

Both books show ways of creating a durable, easy to use greenhouse, as well and how to set up your beds for more produce from your garden.  I like the Mittleider watering system using PVC pipe.  This is a very simple way to automate watering and cutting back on water wastage.  We tried using the drip irrigation method, but we found that the "drip heads" would clog up and didn't work well in our garden.  

Mittleider Gardening brings the best aspects of hydroponics to the garden beds without the expense or high maintenance.  Look up LDSprepper on YouTube and have fun gardening this summer!

WELCOME SPRING!!  Start preparing your garden beds!  

Note:  I scanned the fronts of our books, so you could see them.  Garden ON!

Mobile CSO Coming to Rainier Emergency Services!

You can drop off papperwork, complete and Eligibility Review, Mid-Certification Review or make changes to an existing DSHS case.  The Department of Social & Health Services Economic Services Administration Community Services Division Mobile CSO is coming to Rainier!!!

Wednesday February 12, 2014
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Rainier Emergency Services  
11318 Vail Cut Off Road SE
Rainier, WA 98576

You can apply for:

  • Cash Assistance
  • Basic Food Assistance
  • Child Care Services
DSHS staff will be onsite to do application interviews for Food and Cash Assistance as well as yearly reviews.  If you have any questions on active cases or questions about any of the DSHS services, please feel free to bring them with you .  We appreciate having the opportunity to serve you in Rainier.

Check out the DSHS Mobile Office Facebook page at:

Board Meeting Minutes 1/13/2014


MEAL 6:30-7 P.M.

Pledge of Allegiance
KL George:  PRAYER

“Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat.  We must find each other.” 
Mother Theresa

“To show great love for God and our neighbor we need not do great things.  It is how much love we put in the doing that makes our offering something beautiful for God.” 
 Mother Theresa   

KL George Johnson:

1.  Chamber of Commerce Vote - Voted unanimously not to rejoin the Yelm Chamber of Commerce, simply due to lack of participation on the part of our club.  

2.  Donate to Rainier Middle School - Voted unanimously to send the $85.00 (set aside for YCOC) and $250 to Rainier Middle School Music Program this year.  

3.  Account Balances  
4.  Last Years Budget
Will complete:
5.  Projected Budget
6.  Additional Donations
          School playground fund
          Food Bank
7.  Concession Stand
          Rent trailer?
          Canopies instead?

8.  Next Year’s Officers will be taken up at the next board meeting.
9.  Dues will be discussed at the next meeting, as Evan Burnett wasn't able to attend the meeting.  (Bernice was there, she's the other person on this committee.)

General Meeting Minutes from 1/13/2014


MEAL 6:30-7 P.M.

Pledge of Allegiance
KL George:  PRAYER

“Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat.  We must find each other.” 
Mother Theresa

“To show great love for God and our neighbor we need not do great things.  It is how much love we put in the doing that makes our offering something beautiful for God.” 
 Mother Theresa   

KL George Johnson:
Guests:  Spanapark Lions

1.  Speaker:  Spanapark Lions talked about their upcoming Bowling fundraiser in March, 2014.  Their tickets can be bought prior to the fundraiser.  They also sell raffle tickets and have a silent auction.  This years event will be held at Pacific Lanes in Tacoma.  Bowling shoes will be included in the ticket price, for those that do not have their own bowling shoes.

2.  Who needs business cards?  Please contact KL George Johnson

3.  Grapefruit update Bernice/Linda L  Grapefruit sales need to be reported by Jan 24th, as this is our order date.

4.  Health Van update: George  Barbie Ballou is thrilled with the health screenings performed for ALL of the students at Eagle View Christian School.  They bought a "roaring lion" to donate to the health van.  We also received a framed thank you certificate from their school.  Thank you, Barbie & everyone at Eagle View Christian School

5.  Dinner for 5:  Evan  - No update.  Evan wasn't able to attend.

6.  Year in Review:  George
7.  Looking ahead
          Successes - Blue Grass, Caroling, Halloween in the Park
          Failures - Scholarship participation by November.  Decided to move the date permanently to February - from now on.
8.  City working on Concession Stand - Will have Evan work on this.

Coffee with a Cop & an Update on Rainier Buglaries

A second arrest was made in the burglaries in Rainier.  The bail for the second perpetrator was set at $80,000.  The Thurston County Sheriff's Office website should be updated with accurate and timely information on this arrest.  

Coffee with a Cop Comes to Rainier
Tuesday evening the 2 members of Thurston County Sheriffs Department, John Snaza & Paul Counts, came to Rainier with a large pot of coffee at Sonja's restaurant to meet with local citizens.   Superintendent of Rainier Public Schools Tim Garchow, Mayor Randy Schleis , councilman Dennis McVey joined the meeting, along with local business owners and concerned citizens of Rainier.  Over 30 people attended the meeting, which was scheduled for 60 minutes, but ran for over two hours.
This was the first meeting of “Coffee with a Cop” in Rainier.   There are at least  five more meetings scheduled at 6 pm on the third Tuesday of each month, at Sonja’s Restaurant.  Sherriff John served coffee to all, as Lt. Paul Counts opened the meeting.  Questions were asked and answered for for over two hours with lots of two way information being shared.
We were urged to check with the sheriffs website  to get updates on local police calls, crimes, who’s been arrested, as well as other pertinent information. (Note:  There could be up to a 24 hr. lag on information.)
Updates on recent burglaries and arrests were given as well as what we can do as citizens to help the Sheriffs Department to make our community a safer place to live. 
  • Better lighting around businesses and homes was suggested. 
  • Know your neighbors and help watch what goes on as you go through neighborhoods (we know them better than anyone else, who belongs and who does not.)  Pay attention as we know our streets better than anyone else.  Work with our neighbors to watch our homes.  We are the first line of defense against crime in our city.
  • Call 911 if you feel something is not right.  Leave your blinds open so police can see in if needed.  Lock your vehicles.  Don’t leave your keys in the ignitions at night, even in your own driveway.  Put wooden rods in the bottom track of sliding glass doors and windows. 
  • Most break ins happen at the back door.  To make breaking in more difficult, it was suggested that we replace the short screws in the strike plates with 3 inch stainless steel screws. Change out dead bolts to industrial in strength ones with a 1 inch throw.  These were just a few of the suggestions that were made.
Everyone seemed very pleased to have had this opportunity to meet one on one with our sheriffs department.  We hope to see everyone next month. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Coffee with a Cop Tonight Jan 21, 2014

Do you want to talk about crime prevention in your neighborhood??  

Your Sheriff's Office works for YOU!  They want to get to know you.  Come visit with Sheriff John Snaza over a cup of java at Sonja's tonight!  

Bring your questions and concerns to discuss with John.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Rainier Cub Scouts with their Bird Houses!

The Rainier Cut Scouts worked in KL George Johnson's garage today.  

George & I volunteered at Project New Hope this summer.  I babysat, while George helped over 20 children make their own bird houses.  Once they were built, they came into the art area & decorated their houses.  This was a huge success. 

George asked Damion "Bud" Green if the Cub Scout Pack #307 would like to make their own bird houses.  Well, Bud asked the boys and they were thrilled.  The Wolves Cub Scout Pack #307 came over to our house today and made their own bird houses from scratch today.  They did a great job! 

Look at the bird houses they made:

George Johnson (In Back)
Damien Green, John Kenny, Dakota Tibbets (Middle Row)

Keegan Bellotti, Elias Keen, Matt Kenny  (Front Row)

 Bud Green took the picture of the scouts.  Boys interested in joining the Cub Scouts can contact Bud at:, or call him at:  (360) 446-6717.

Thank you all for coming!  George & I look forward to having you come over again!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Gene activating drug shows promise for PTSD memories

NW Project New Hope helps veterans with PTSD.  There is a new therapy that is also being studied, showing hope for PTSD patients, including stroke patients, according to the article by By Geoffrey Mohan in the LA Times:  "Gene activating drug shows promise for PTSD memories"

This may be a therapy that the NW Lions Project New Hope will want to share with the veterans attending their workshops. 

Google Crafting Contact Lenses for Diabetes

Dear Lions,   Yesterday Tim Locke wrote an article about Google's research on contact lenses for patients with diabetes.  These contact lenses will monitor blood sugar levels.  This may be something that Lions will need to provide for people with diabetes, once they are available.  Thanks, Linda

WebMD Health News

Reviewed by Sheena Meredith, M


Jan. 17,  2014 -- Google is working on contact lenses with special sensors to monitor diabetes blood sugar levels. The lens measures blood sugar levels in tears using a tiny wireless chip and miniature blood-sugar sensor embedded between two layers of soft contact lens material.  

Continue Reading:  HERE

Monday, January 13, 2014

Board Meeting Agenda 01/13/2014


MEAL 6:30-7 P.M.

Pledge of Allegiance
KL George:  PRAYER

“Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat.  We must find each other.” 
Mother Theresa

“To show great love for God and our neighbor we need not do great things.  It is how much love we put in the doing that makes our offering something beautiful for God.” 
Mother Theresa   

KL George Johnson:

1.  Chamber of Commerce Vote
2.  Donate to Rainier Middle School
3.  Account Balances
4.  Last Years Budget
5.  Projected Budget
6.  Additional Donations
          School playground fund
          Food Bank
7.  Concession Stand
          Rent trailer?
          Canopies instead?
8.  Next Year’s Officers
9.  Dues
          Dues Scholarship
10. Committees


Together:  1st & 2nd Wed 5 PM City Hall
Rainier Community Gardens 1st Monday RHS

Senior Center Lunch:  Mon & Wed at noon - $2.50 each

City Council meets 2nd & 4th Tues at 7 PM

Rainier Community Cares – 1st & 2nd Wed. @ 2nd portable by RMS

Sportsman’s Club – 1st Mon @ 7PM

City Council – 2nd & 4th Tues. @ 7 PM

Rainier Food Bank:  Wed & Sat 9 – 12 noon

Historical Soc. – 3rd Thurs. @ 6:30 PM

Valley Heart Breakfast – 4th Sat 9 – 11 AM – Free – farm fresh sausage & eggs, fresh fruit, homemade biscuits - great food!


Jan 14:  Zone Meeting in Roy 6 PM

Jan 18:  Road Clean-up 9 AM Rainier Chapel

Jan 23:  LERC

Jan 25: Report Volunteer Hours to Brenda

Feb 8:  Grapefruit delivery

Feb 10:  Deadline for Becky Waldron Scholarship Applicants

Support Our: Rainier Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts & Girl Scouts

Meeting Agenda 01/13/2014


MEAL 6:30-7 P.M.

Pledge of Allegiance
KL George:  PRAYER

“Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat.  We must find each other.” 
Mother Theresa

“To show great love for God and our neighbor we need not do great things.  It is how much love we put in the doing that makes our offering something beautiful for God.” 
Mother Theresa   

KL George Johnson:
Guests:  Spanapark Lions

1.  Speaker:  Spanapark Lions
2.  Who needs business cards
3.  Grapefruit update Bernice/Linda L
4.  Health Van update: George
5.  Dinner for 5:  Evan
6.  Year in Review:  George
7.  Looking ahead
8.  City working on Concession Stand
9.   Together – upcoming meeting
10. Tail Twister
11. LERC
12. Zone Meeting in Roy
12: Board Meeting Announcement


Together:  1st & 2nd Wed 5 PM City Hall
Rainier Community Gardens 1st Monday RHS

Senior Center Lunch:  Mon & Wed at noon - $2.50 each

City Council meets 2nd & 4th Tues at 7 PM

Rainier Community Cares – 1st & 2nd Wed. @ 2nd portable by RMS

Sportsman’s Club – 1st Mon @ 7PM

City Council – 2nd & 4th Tues. @ 7 PM

Rainier Food Bank:  Wed & Sat 9 – 12 noon

Historical Soc. – 3rd Thurs. @ 6:30 PM

Valley Heart Breakfast – 4th Sat 9 – 11 AM – Free – farm fresh sausage & eggs, fresh fruit, homemade biscuits - great food!


Jan 14:  Zone Meeting in Roy 6 PM

Jan 18:  Road Clean-up 9 AM Rainier Chapel

Jan 23:  LERC

Jan 25: Report Volunteer Hours to Brenda

Feb 8:  Grapefruit delivery

Feb 10:  Deadline for Becky Waldron Scholarship Applicants

Support Our: Rainier Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts & Girl Scouts