NW Project New Hope is sponsored by the MD-19 Lions Clubs. LPNH-NW retreats are ope to all veterans of all wars fought by all America's military services. The purpose of the camp is to free the attendees of the stresses of everyday life in the hope of enabling them, their spouses and children to start anew.
History of Project New Hope Project New Hope began in the fall of 2008 when Lions Club member, Bruce Billington - an avid outdoorsman of Crosslake, Minnesota, viewed the value of weekend camps for people with disabilities that existed in his region. Considering the peaceful natural setting and the value of getting away from the roles of the Army base and home life, he thought that such an experience might help combat veterans working to integrate back into normal family life and routines. His idea was picked up by the Lions Clubs and has been spreading across the United States and into Canada.
National Need
Multiple deployments have beaten down veterans and their families. The ability to cope with problems and stresses is worn away by extended and frequent absences from home. As a result, the incidents of divorce, domestic violence, suicide, and homelessness are greater among the veterans than the civilian population and at unprecedented levels in the history of the Army. Because of the overwhelming need, for the first time the Army Chaplain Corps, with the approval of the Department of Defense, has been reaching out into the local communities to organize and create programs to help veterans.
The Lions Connection
Local Lions Clubs organize the retreats, set up the counselors and speakers, provide youth activities and childcare, and help plan the family activities for the weekend.
George & I volunteered to help serve at NW Project New Hope last weekend. George made 16 birdhouses with the children - ages 1 - 17. Some of the children nailed their houses together by themselves and we put the rest of them together. They took them into the craft area to paint and decorate them. They were a hit.
We worked with some wonderful and amazing people. Bobbi & Nichole were there throughout the whole event, watching and entertaining the children.

While we were working with some of the children, other children were tie dying tee-shirts with Nichole. Most of the children brought their own shirts and their parents put their names on them. Once the shirts were rinsed, they wrung them out, scrunched them up and sprinkled dye on them. When they were finished, they opened up the shirts. AMAZING! The shirts have been a hit for a couple of years, now.
We ate our meals with the soldiers and their families. The children were all well behaved and had good manners. The food was served family style. The ham, ribs and chicken were amazing! The bread they serve at Cascade Camp is home made. If restaurants in our neighborhood served food like this there would be lines clear across town! It was wonderful.
The love, kindness and compassion the parents showed toward their children reaffirmed my faith in humanity.
There are many fun activities for the children and families at Project New Hope: ATV (Rubicon), Zip Line, fishing, pony & horse rides, just to name a few.
Anyone interested in NW Lions Project New Hope can contact them through their facebook page:
Or Dee & Jim McDermott at mcphotoj@comcast.net

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