Friday, November 6, 2015

Shelton Lions "Night at the Theater" 2015

The Rainier Lions have been supporting this fundraiser for many years -- it is a very enjoyable evening.  If you are interested in attending, please let me know and I can have PZC Mel reserve tickets for us.  We meet at Dirty Dave's Pizza on Martin Way for dinner on the way to the Little Theatre, for those who are interested.

If you prefer, you can contact PZC Mel directly for your tickets.

Questions or suggestions, please let me know.

Thank You
-- Bernice   

MAP to Olympia Little Theater is below letter:

From Shelton Lions .....
Fellow Lions:

In addition to using the “Essay Contest” mailing list of the Presidents, I have included others that have been in attendance and enjoyed the annual production of the Olympia Little Theater for the Shelton Lions off-night performance. (just in case the Lions presidents were unable to quickly spread the word to their club.)
Tickets are now available for those that wish to attend.  Simply e-mail me the amount of tickets you need and you can pay and pick up the tickets at the door the night of the performance.
As in the past, this will be on a first-come, first-served basis.  There are only 104 seats available so if you would like to attend this what appears to be a fun performance, please let me know either by phone or e-mail so you can be assured of a seat.
Thanks for your past participation and hope to see you there DECEMBER 8 AT THE OLYMPIA LITTLE THEATRE.
Mel Williamson
Shelton Lions Club

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