Thursday, March 13, 2014

Sound to Harbor Head Start Playground Update

Our granddaughter, Casey Johnson, and her classmates, Brittany Meyer, Amber Stanley, Alyssa Wakefield and Tony Cilento created a design to update the Sound to Harbor Head Start Playground.  They raised the funding, gathered donations of materials and organized a volunteer labor party to do the work.  The work was completed March 8, 2014.  

George & Pat (Casey's father) helped build the stage.  Pat brought a canopy, so they could use their power tools in a covered area when it rained; and it rained hard!  

Congratulations Casey, Brittany, Amber, Alyssa & Tony.  Your playground update is AMAZING!

1 comment:

  1. Our granddaughter, Casey, posted this update on Facebook: "Just to let everyone who helped out with my fundraiser for school know we raised over $3,000 with donations and fundraisers!!!! Thank you to everyone who helped out!! The children loved it!! And we have $100 extra so we are planning on buying something else for the playground soon!! My group had our final presentation for school. we are officially done with the school portion of our project!!"

    GREAT JOB, CASEY!!!!! We're proud of you. Love, Grandma & Grandpa
