Thursday, March 6, 2014

Spring Delights Fundraiser for Rainier Playground Extension!!!

It’s Fundraising time again.  

This year Rainier Elementary School will be conducting a Spring Delights Fundraiser.  This consists of a variety of different items: popcorn, candy, desserts, food, flowers and cookie dough.  The official start date is March14 and all orders will need to be collected by March 28.  The cookie dough is delicious…and makes a great idea for all your get-togethers, parties, holiday gifts and especially play dates for the kids… buy some extra to take to the grandparents. 

The money raised will go directly to the building of the new playground.  Our goal is to get the playground built this summer and we are very close to reaching that goal.  Every penny…every dollar we raise is important and will benefit the children!!

Please help your child or young friend with this fundraiser.  Please sell to friends, family, neighbors, and people at work.  Please remember to never allow young children to solicit orders alone.  They should always be in the company of a responsible adult.

We appreciate your help in making this fundraiser a success.  If you would rather not participate with this event but would like to help in the fund raising effort, a financial donation would be truly appreciated.

If you have any questions in regards to the fundraiser or the playground please contact Ida Boesch at 360-446-6034 or


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